Chapter one : new kid

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dippers prospective
I recently moved back to gravity falls with mable and we're staying with our gruncals Stan and Ford bUt mable is staying with Pacifica her.. girlfriend.. I mean I came out as gay about a year ago ... but I'm not excepted ... the same way that mable is ... but anyways.. today is Monday sadly.. so I get up and head to the washroom, I take a quick shower comb my hair and then I head to my closet I grab some black skinny jeans and a navy blue hoodie then I go down stairs.

" good morning kid" Stan's says while reading the news paper.

" morning, I'm going to head to school now okay" I yell back grabbing my blue pine tree hat and my brown backpack, I run out the door catching the bus to my high school , I sit at the very back and open up journal 3 .

time skip
We get to school and I head to my locker,  when I get there I put the password 35788 into the lock and my locker opens , I put my backpack into the locker and I grab a pencil and a small notebook, I head to home room Early because there's not anybody special I could be waiting for ,

The bell rings and I'm already seated, I sit at the back of the class ... everyone floods into the classroom including Conner and brennen ...  they hate my guts .. probably because I'm gay.. but I can't help it!! ..

" now , now class settle down we have a new student today... come in!!" Ms.baynard calls out .

A tall boy walks in with blond hair and a handsome smile walks in , he's wearing black skinny jeans and a yellow hoodie.. I gotta say he's really cute~

" this is bill , bill cypher" ms.baynard says with a smile on her face ,

"Hey" says bill winking

The girls all melt , agh , they think everyone likes them

" now I need someone to show bill around the school , any volunteers?" Ms.baynard says

Every girl Rays there hands ,
"Dipper , could you show bill around?"

Huh?! Me , Why me!! I didn't even raise my hand !! Agh!
I give In since there's nothing else to do , "yeah .. fine" I say as I stand up
"Good, good now you two are excused"

I head to the door opening it up for bill , he walks though as do I I close the door behind us ,

" soo .. your dipper?" Bill asks with a smerk on his face

" yeah the one and only" I replied

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