Chapter 1: Kim Yerim

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What a strange night. The rain was pouring in the middle of November, but you could still feel the heat in your skin. It was a mixture of a warm and breezy weather, suitable for what was about to be revealed next.

"It's about time you take over an important mission." the grown man spoke, as soon as Kim Yerim entered his office that night. A stunning young woman, full of life and ready to taste the unexpected. Her vivid eyes were looking right at the speaking man. "If you want to prove your skills and maturity, young lady, you have to agree on what I'm about to suggest."

The blonde girl didn't sit on the chair this time. She used to take her time, every time the man was speaking to her. But that night was different. She was curious. She was still standing at the other side of the desk, waiting to hear the big challenge. She felt ready for a mission that would improve her credibility and statue among the other assassins. She was only 19 years old, but she had much to offer to Mr. Yang.

"Please, go on!" she looked serious when it came to business. She always did, despite her age and her short experience in her faculty.

The old man opened the desk drawer and took out an envelope. The smell of the papers reached the girl's nose. A new arrival, she thought. As soon as the man opened it, he spread its files on his desks, pointing at some photos of a Korean woman.

"Park Sooyoung, also known as Joy. She has been training in SM Entertainment for 3 years and last year she debuted with the group Red Velvet. Born in 3 September 1996, in Jeju Island, height 1,68m and weight 45kg, blood type A. Her vocal and dancing skills are equally perfected. Take a look at her files in case you need to know any further information."

Yeri carefully examined the photos. That Joy girl was such a delicate woman. Long, dark brown hair, red plump lips, piercing eyes, a well-built body and amazing curves. An exceptionally fine person of interest.

"What is the deal with her?" she asked.

"I want her dead. By the end of the year."

The blonde girl almost frowned by how raw Mr. Yang could be, when it came to murdering the "enemy". And yes, Mr. Lee Sooman, the owner of SM Entertainment has been his rival for years. YG Entertainment needed to stand out and the only quick way to do so, was by wiping out the most valuable contributors. Apparently, Park Sooyoung was one of them. No wonder why Mr. Yang wanted this gem of a performer dead. Her file looked perfect. This woman was not only beautiful, but also a top performer. Only by taking her down as well, would Mr. Yang's company rise. How cruel indeed!

"Consider it done." Yeri looked at Mr. Yang, whose look was showing that he was leaning his hopes on the young girl.

"You know Ms. Kim, I really count on you, despite the young of your age. Nobody would carry this out better than you. My other girls have turned out to be soft for missions like this. I should better renew my crew, don't you think?" he strictly laughed.

The young woman nodded her head and grinned by listening to such nice words by her employer. She knew her abilities after all. Better than most of the assassins their company was training.

"I'm honored Mr. Yang. Get me inside SM as soon as possible and leave the rest on me. This girl looks like an easy target."

"Arrogant. I like it." he laughed, but then his freckled face turned serious again. "I'm transferring you to SM with an official application. Red Velvet are in search of a 5th member anyway and no one would be more suitable than an already trained young girl."

The plan was perfect indeed. Yeri showed her excitement with a discreet look of approval.

"Pay a visit to their central building tomorrow morning. I'm contacting Lee straight away. He will be glad to hear fror me. What an irony!" he cleared his throat and continued with his directions: "If everything goes as planned, you will be joining the group within this week. But be careful, young lady, do whatever it takes to approach Park... and the other members too. Become her friend, her best friend, whatever. You are supposed to be their group mate and friend, so be as convincing as you can, or else someone might suspect, that you went there for no good."

"As you command." Yeri replied and fixed her beige coat.

She greeted goodnight and left the office with the rain falling on her dirty blonde hair that night.

Tomorrow was the day. Tomorrow she would show her real worth.


Kim Yerim stood outside the SM building. She was feeling ready to start off her mission. Wearing her favorite perfume, fixing her long blonde hair, her confidence allowed her to enter the building that morning.

She wandered around, clueless to where she should go.

"Can I help you, miss?" a female voice sounded from the distance.

Yeri turned her head only to see the open door of an information office. She went in, answering to the asking lady.

"Actually yes. My name is Kim Yerim and YG Entertainment's Mr. Yang sent me here to apply for your company as a trainee."

The woman put her glasses on and examined a paper on her desk.
"Oh, I see. Mr. Yang sent us your application 2 hours ago. Mr. Sooman demanded to see you as soon as you came."

She then gave information to Yeri about where his office was located.


The young woman entered another office that morning. Perhaps the most important one.

"Mr. Sooman, may I come in?"

"Of course. You must be Kim Yerim?"

The girl nodded and took a seat in front of the man's desk. She looked more nervous than ever. What if the company rejected her application? She would fail her whole mission and of course her big reward.

She was staring at the old man, who was examining her information files with great caution. However, he was remaining silent. Was it a good sign?

Yeri accidentally cleared her throat, as she was about to speak, but she did not. She tried to recollect herself and look determined. The plan was well-organized to fail after all.

"Ms. Kim Yerim, welcome to SM Entertainment. A private van will be transporting you to your new dorm tomorrow."
The old man stood up and leaned his hand forward for a professional handshake. Yeri did the same and responded to the handshake. Entering the company was a success, as Mr. Yang had claimed.

As soon as she got out of the building, a smile of success was formed in her face. Everything was going as planned. She only needed to pack her things and leave the rest to the company staff. But as she was walking down the street, she started thinking something more vital. How was she supposed to execute the idol? A knife was not the best option for this situation. It would get messy after all. A gun? Perhaps that was the best option. Easy and quick. No one could find out that Yeri was the curlprit. But who could ever suspect her? She was a young, lovely girl, who was supposed to only sing and dance. But looks can often trick.

Her phone rang.
"Is everything alright? You should keep me updated."
"Oh, Mr. Yang, everything is going perfect. I would inform you as soon as I get to my dorm."
"I wanted to inform you that when you get in their dorm, you won't be able to call anyone but the members. Contact me via messages only. Delete them afterwards."
"As you command." the girl said.

After the important call, she started realizing how hard this was going to be. Never in her short term career has she faced such challenge. But she was strong and organized enough to get through it. Nothing could make her back out. Nothing at all. After all, it is said that Kim Yerim was born to become an assassin. Under the face of a charming young woman a heartless killer was hidden, that was about to do anything for money.

20.000.000¥ for Park Sooyoung.

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