The mute 1

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Annie's point of view
Johnny yelled Hey Ann's wait up
I flinched
Johnny- oh yeah sorry Anns
Annie-it's ok
I whisperd
Johnny-Annie you really need to speak it's been what? 11 years , I miss your voice Ann's
Then Austin popped out of no where
Austin- hey guys
I whisperd quietly
Let me tell you guys something
Me Austin and Johnny have been a trio since preschool we met by watermelons , I know right crazy I remember like it was yesterday I was crying cuase of my parents , they fought , like a lot since the day the day... never mind that , but I was crying and Johnny came up to me and asked me if I was ok I said no being a child and truthfully answering his question then Johnny being nice he comforted me and then Austin came up to us with watermelons , and asked us if we wanted some and of course we said yes and ate it
Then came back reality
Austin- have you seen Kenzie's ass this year she glowed up
I looked at Austin in a disgusted face
Austin- I mean her pants , her pants yeah
Johnny laughed and I rolled my eyes wondering what they thought about me about how I looked I've been told I was beautiful by him , but I never took it personally Austin and Johnny just said I was pretty and random girls on the street always called me pretty when i Walked past them
I just wondered what if I wasn't mute
As I was thinking austin and Johnny snapped me back to reality , the faze of reality , school , hell,I mean no one bullies me I'm called the mute girl , boys have tried to hit on me but Johnny and Austin scare them away for some odd reason ,I know that don't like me , but.....
Then the hottest guy on earth Walked past by me h-Hayden summerall
Austin and Johnny looked at each other and then looked at me while I was awing at Hayden , and laughed
Then John whispered in my ear
Johnny- looks like someone likes the one and only Hayden Summerall
I shaked my head denying the truth the truth that I like him the truth that my heart skips a beat when I even look at him , I haven't even talked to him but I'm head over heals of this boy
Johnny- I told ya
Johnny chuckled and grabbed my arm and lead me to my locker while I was still shocked of seeing Hayden Summerall
I said in my head opening my locker
"Hurry" Johnny said
"Yeah, I need to get a seat next to kenz in chem"
"Ugh" I said in disgust , boys are so dumb
I left the boys and went to math , when I first enters the classroom the teacher pointed at a seat and told me to sit their I was shocked I was never put anywhere else but the corner  I gave the teacher those puppy dog eyes but that didn't work , ugh , now I have to sit by a weirdo, or maybe worse , Hayden , Hayden , yes I know I like him or I must say , "love" but I freeze in front of that guy if he talked to me , but I can get my hopes up that high it's probably going to be someone else
Me waiting to see who that person could be I drew, yeah I know drawing is weird but it's actually fun while you have nothing to do , while drawing , i heard the door shut , Hayden , Hayden Summerall came in , many more people did but I payed close attention to him , then the teacher pointed to the seat next to me , Hayden smiled at me but I went back to drawing , yeah I know he was trying to be nice , but I don't know what to say
Then he walked over to the seat next to me
He said "well looks like we are partners"
I nodded , no talking , no mumbling, just a nod he wasn't austin and Johnny , so I won't talk to him
Then he spoke again "hey? Are you ok"
I nodded
Then he realized , he realized I was the mute girl
He spoke again "oh yeah I forgot your the mute girl, you seem different"
I frowned at him
He said "I mean different in a good way"
I gave him a confused look
He said " I mean , you know what I'm going to stop talking" he said with his face red
I just went back to my drawing ,
Then the teacher spoke I closed my book and see people looking at me and Hayden for some odd reason I was embarrassed, I shook my head and just payed attention to the teacher
The teacher assigned us and assignment that was due in 2 weeks , and we had to work with our partners , I mean we've never had an assignment like this I gave the teacher a weird look and she winked at me , what was that all about me and Hayden , wait Hayden ,I The mute (2)
Annie's point of view
I said in my head opening my locker
"Hurry" Johnny said
"Yeah, I need to get a seat next to kenz in chem"
"Ugh" I said in disgust , boys are so dumb
I left the boys and went to math , when I first enters the classroom the teacher pointed at a seat and told me to sit their I was shocked I was never put anywhere else but the corner  I gave the teacher those puppy dog eyes but that didn't work , ugh , now I have to sit by a weirdo, or maybe worse , Hayden , Hayden , yes I know I like him or I must say , "love" but I freeze in front of that guy if he talked to me , but I can get my hopes up that high it's probably going to be someone else
Me waiting to see who that person could be I drew, yeah I know drawing is weird but it's actually fun while you have nothing to do , while drawing , i heard the door shut , Hayden , Hayden Summerall came in , many more people did but I payed close attention to him , then the teacher pointed to the seat next to me , Hayden smiled at me but I went back to drawing , yeah I know he was trying to be nice , but I don't know what to say
Then he walked over to the seat next to me
He said "well looks like we are partners"
I nodded , no talking , no mumbling, just a nod he wasn't austin and Johnny , so I won't talk to him
Then he spoke again "hey? Are you ok"
I nodded
Then he realized , he realized I was the mute girl
He spoke again "oh yeah I forgot your the mute girl, you seem different"
I frowned at him
He said "I mean different in a good way"
I gave him a confused look
He said " I mean , you know what I'm going to stop talking" he said with his face red
I just went back to my drawing ,
Then the teacher spoke I closed my book and see people looking at me and Hayden for some odd reason I was embarrassed, I shook my head and just payed attention to the teacher
The teacher assigned us and assignment that was due in 2 weeks , and we had to work with our partners , I mean we've never had an assignment like this I gave the teacher a weird look and she winked at me , what was that all about me and Hayden , wait Hayden ,I panicked I couldn't breath then everything turned black I woke up in the nurse the first person I saw was Hayden
He said "what was that about"
I shrugged then I saw Johnny and Austin running into the room
Johnny- Ann's are you ok?
Austin-yeah Ann's you ok?
Johnny- hey , I'm Hayden you should leave
Hayden- wai-
Johnny- leave
Hayden- hold up , Annie meet me at my house , you know what I'll text you
He winked , what was that about , wait he doesn't my number
Austin- Annie what was that about
I shrugged
Johnny- why did you pass out ?
I shrugged
Then someone I haven't seen in a while Walked in the room
1403 words🍉💓

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2018 ⏰

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