La Douleur Exquise

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"Do you believe in destiny? That even the powers of time can be altered for a single purpose? That the luckiest man who walks on this earth is the one who finds... true love?"

- Dracula

The rest of Lukas's tour fell to the back of Elek's mind and on deaf ears. He was lead to and fro with enthusiastic retellings of some form of historic this or that from Lukas, but nothing could get the burned image of Mia's face out of his corneas. He was trotted helplessly along like a child as Lukas finally concluded the tour.

"And that my friend, is why this theater is the best in all of Vienna!"

Elek shook himself from his stupor once more to offer a tentative smile.

"Yes, I can see that now. What a lovely place you've found. I only wish I could play at a place like this."

Lukas smiled broadly at Elek's praise and clasped his hands together in pleasure.

"Ah, perhaps that can be arranged, but for now let's take our seats in the box. The play should be starting now."

And with that, they climbed the staircase up into the box seats of the Burgtheater.


The play went along pretty smoothly, but Elek couldn't care less about the story to it. All he could wait for was the moment that Mia would appear. He wondered who she'd play? Would she dance? Would she spout beautiful poetry from her rosey lips? Whatever it was, he knew he'd thoroughly enjoy it. Lukas didn't seem to share his sentiment he noticed. He sat completely bored and restless next to him, looking nearly everywhere but the stage. Elek knew it must be because he'd seen this exact play thousands of times, but somehow, it still annoyed him that he wasn't at least pretending.

Just as that thought hit him, the curtains pulled back to reveal Mia. She was standing alone in a pure white dress. With her pale skin, hair, and eyes she looked like an angel walking amongst devils. He felt himself let out a sigh as his eyes drank her in, feverently. His mind wandered as he thought back to Ambrus. He wondered if this was how Ambrus felt when he had watched him, all that time ago, playing violin in the near darkness. Anger crossed him again on the thought of how little it mattered now, but he was ripped from his anger once again by the voice of an angel.

Mia's performance seemed to be a solo of some kind. All he knew for certain is that her voice was awe inspiring. The ambiance was nothing but impeccable as well. There she stood, angelic, with the voice to match. The light shining down on her making her positively glowing, juxtaposed with the darkness and drabness of the darkened crowd. Yet, that face of hers. As angelic as it was, it still held that demon quality to it, that dark humor matched with cat-like movements. Something of duality in her that was absolutely charming. She sang for a short amount of time, but it was forever to him. He couldn't help but be completely enraptured by it all.

She was perfect.

She was perfect for him.

He had to know her.


After the show, Lukas and Mia kept their promise, and he found himself sitting with them backstage. He felt his old familiar mortal nervousness bubble up inside of him again. He was lucky that Lukas had so generously provided drinks for them, and he drank deeply to attempt to coax himself out of his shell. He wanted---no, that wasn't right---he needed, to make her like him. To endear her to him. To make her love him.

To his delight he found quickly, with the help of his keen immortal eyes, that hers lingered on his person frequently. And if he were to meet her eye in conversation, she would darken a few shades. He was elated. That was, until he found himself crash back down to earth at Lukas's admission.

"So, I think I'd like to make you an offer, Elek."

Elek felt himself reluctantly tear his eyes away from Mia to face Lukas again, who smiled warmly, for some reason. The reason became quite clear.

"I'd like to offer you a position here, as a violinist. Would that be something you would enjoy? I find myself completely taken with you, and I'd be a fool to not at least offer you my company. However, I've yet to hear you play. Would you mind terribly if you'd grace us with something? We have spare instruments rested against the back wall there."

Elek felt joy radiate through his body. Him? Play again? In a theater? Absolutely. And better yet, this would solidify a reason to be around Mia. He smiled broadly, grasping Lukas's hand in his gloved one, shaking it.

"Of course, of course. I'd love to remain here with you, if I could."

Lukas nodded, squeezing Eleks digits in pleasure.

"Certainly. That is, if you don't mind giving us a show."

"Oh, yes, yes certainly."

Elek found himself walking over to the stored instruments in complete rapture. What a turn of events. He could once again do the thing he loved the most and explore these new feelings he'd discovered for this strangely alluring young lady. Just as he picked the instrument up, back turned to Lukas and Mia, he heard Lukas laugh.

"Ah, well, as long as my fiancé here loves it, you're in. And I know from first hand experience she will. She's a sucker for the violinists."

Elek nearly dropped the instrument all together.


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