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"The number traces back to be an old opera house in Mendon, Ohio. In 1904 there were shows. Lots of deaths happened this month. It's a  town hall, they open the doors when they have their Christmas tree walks. They display the trees people decorate." Bobby explains.

"Seems like the perfect place to do shady shit." Dean says.

"It's on Main St." Bobby announces.

All their phones start ringing at the same time. The calls are coming from the same number. "Hello?" They say, only to be met by a loud cringeworthy scream.  Heat comes from the phones, causing them to drop to the ground. The phones start flashing weird pictures and colors, before going black.

"My damn phone." Dean snaps, checking to see if his phone will turn on. He chucks his phone on the bed. "What the hell."

"We think it's static. But maybe-" The audio of the static plays out a demonic voice.

"Iam be moriantur."

"Aren't those the same words for the demon we've been tracking?" Sam asks. Dean looks at the floor.

"This is the demon that killed Ben and Lisa." Dean frowns. "This was "Dad" but we found Ben and Lisa dead instead. There were two."

"Let's go." Bobby says, packing his bags and papers. Sam and Dean listen.

Bobby starts packing, walking out the back door. Minutes later, they are on the road.

This demon was a subject of Deans'. A hopeless soul he tortured. This demon is here for Dean.

"We're here." Dean says, getting out of the car so he can distract himself. He reaches into his pocket to find his phone that was once not working, is now ringing. The guys come around, holding their phones out. Each screen has one word each.

"They deserve this." Sam reads. A female scream sounds from inside the building.

"The voices we heard were all male. What the hell is happening?" Dean snaps, grabbing his stuff.

They all get inside the building, splitting up. They each open doors. Sam finds someone tied up in a chair, facing the wall, a bag on his head.

He takes out his holy water flask, splashing the guy.  A small groan comes from under the bag, making Sam jump. Pulling off the bag, he reveals a wet, sweaty Harry Styles.

"Holy shit." Sam says, taken aback. "Harry Styles." Sam states. The guy looks up at him. Sam uses his pocket knife and cuts the ropes to free Harry. Harry stands, rubbing his wrists. Bobby looks at Harry in awe.

"You're supposed to be in Denver. Dean said you-"

"We need to-" Dean stops when he sees Harry standing there. Dean's eyes go wide and he almost freaks out. "Har-Harry Styles?" He looks at Sam.

Dean moves close to Harry, extending his hand. Harry takes it, shaking it firmly. Harry chuckles.

"I'm guessing you know me?" Harry smiles, looking Dean up and down. Dean swallows hard. Harry is a lot more intimidating in real life.

Harry chuckles when Dean doesn't say anything, patting him on the shoulder. "Pleasure to meet you." Harry says.

Everyone separates to find people. Harry and Dean end up together. When Harry seems to see someone he knows, but Dean holds him back, looking around.

"We have to make sure this isn't a trap." Dean explains. Harry runs to the girl who lays on the floor  tied to a marble post. Dean takes out his knife to cut her free. Harry takes her in his arms. Across the  room, another female lays unconscious on the floor. She isn't tied up, which makes Dean grab Harry to get his attention. "Clare? Are you okay?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2018 ⏰

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