| 1| The Ice Cream Debatacle |

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note: romanogers are secretly dating in this one shot.

1:23 AM
The Avengers were grouped around the couch, watching a movie like they did most nights. It was a lovely night which all of them enjoyed.
"Rogers, stop hoarding all the chocolate ice cream or I swear on my mint chocolate chip I will kick your rocky road so hard," Natasha said in a breath. They'd been saying things like this all night, but Natasha only usually targeted them towards Steve. Clint raised his eyebrows and clutched the spoon that was still in his mouth. He gave them a smirk and then looked over at Tony who was smirking too.
"Alright alright fine. Just don't kick my rocky road," he said with a chuckle, he handed her the tub of chocolate ice cream and then put his hands up in defense.
"If you wanted to get chocolate, why didn't you get chocolate at the store?" He asked.
"Because I didn't want chocolate then, Rogers," she said sarcastically.
"Fine, but if you take my chocolate, I get your cookie dough," he crossed his arms childishly and looked over at her.
"Hm. Fine. But we switch when I want my cookie dough back," she declared.
"Deal," he replied. He held out his hand and they shook on it. Tony and Clint kept glancing at each other throughout the whole exchange.
"Banner did you eat all of the m&m's?" Tony asked.
"No," Banner said with a mouthful of the colorful candy.
"Here Master Stark, you can have some of mine!" Thor responded.
"Can I have some chocolate too?" Tony asked.
"Ask Steve, it's his ice cream," she emphasized.
"No," Steve said grabbing another spoonful of his cookie dough.
"But-But Romanoff got some!" Tony argued back.
Steve hesitated and thought about his answer. Anything but they were dating would be a good excuse.
"Yes. But Romanoff can kick my rocky road and will if I don't give her it," he said after a few seconds.
"Why'd you hesitate... is there something you're not telling us?" Clint asked, he leaned in closer and looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
"N-no why would I be hiding something," he quickly managed to stutter out.
"Hmm. I think you're hiding something," Tony said with a smirk.
"Rogers, you got some ice cream on your face," Natasha said. Steve wiped his mouth.
"There?" he asked.
"Stop avoiding what we were talking about," Clint teasingly said.
"No, wait here let me get it," Natasha leaned forward and kissed Steve right then and there. The kiss lasted for about 30 seconds, getting more passionate by the second. He started blushing madly and the rest of the team opened their mouths in awe. She pulled away and Steve's lips were red and puffy.
"There," she said with a childish grin.
"You're dating?!?" Tony screamed.
"Congratulations Master Steve and Lady Natasha!" Thor boomed happily.
"Congrats," Banner muttered.
"YES! Tony owes me 20 bucks now!" Clint shouted, he raised his fist in victory.
"WHAT! Romanoff I trusted you!" Tony screamed again.
"Why would you do that," Natasha said sarcastically.
"Rogers, the 100 year old virgin. First Nat took your chocolate ice cream and then your virginity what is going on here!" Tony yelled.
Everyone started laughing while Steve blushed madly once again. Natasha moved her hand over and gave it a tight squeeze before turning back to her teammates.
"Aw the lovebirds are holding hands," Clint said teasingly. He started making hearts in the air and Tony started to make kissing noises.
"Amateurs," Natasha said before giggling.
The movie continued playing and they made fun of each other every once in a while. As the night fell darker 1 by 1 the Avengers started falling asleep in the living room. Tony and Clint on the couch, Steve and Nat on the floor leaning against each other, Banner on the arm chair, and Thor on the other side of the floor. Of course, they weren't the only ones with access to the tower so when Maria Hill came to visit in the morning she found them all cluttered around the room along with at least 15 tubs of ice cream scattered about. She sighed as she grabbed a blanket and covered up most of them, then quickly snapping a picture of Tony and Clint who were sleep cuddling with each other. She smiled and chuckled to herself as she left the room.

"Earths mightiest heroes, who? I only know group of 6 preschoolers who went to bed late and had ice cream for dinner."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2018 ⏰

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