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I sat in English, visibly staring at Devin. I used to sit near him, I used to be able to talk to him, I used to look at the things he drew.
My hands were sweating, and when the period ended, he went outside to wait for his friends.
They must be really slow walkers because he stands there for long amounts of time every day.
I paced around the classroom, thinking to myself. What do I say? Should I say something about his eyes? I don't even know the color of his eyes. Are they gray, green or blue? Should I know this?
I stopped, and started heading for the door, books in hand. He was poking the garbage can next to him, peering into it and murmuring something to himself.
I cleared my throat.
"H-hey Kaitl- I mean Devin." he perked up and pulled himself away from the trash can, looking alarmed.
I positioned my stance directly in front of him, I wouldn't back down.
"Oh, hey Jack," he spoke monotonously towards me. It was better than the way people usually talk down to me.
"Do you want to go to the semi-formal with me?" He looked visibly shaken to his core.
"No thank you," his cold, cloudy eyes confirmed his denial. His lips pursed as he stared ahead. Those irises weren't blue, green, or gray. They were a storm of the three, angling in my direction, taking out my city, and knocking me down.
I didn't have an umbrella.
I screamed inside my head, "Why not?", "Do you even have anyone to go with?", but no words came out of my mouth.
Worse, I had to tell Oliver that I had failed.
I walked away without saying anything.
I heard his friend, the one who broke my gaze with a hard, cold stare laugh.
"Did I seriously just hear that?"
"Yeah, it's not bad though, it's not like he-"
His friend laughed and walked away, "That sucks," he spouted. Devin looked like he was about to cry.
Nice one.

Jack X Oliver: A Semi-Formal RelationshipWhere stories live. Discover now