Curse to Love: Prologue

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   Creak. The floor squeaked beneath her feet as she made her way across the vast hallway. Footprints remained in the velvet carpet. Gonna have to cover that up. Rubbing her lucky jade charm, she scanned the hallway for just the right door, which was literally impossible since every inch of the castle was decorated with Persian rugs, silk curtains, porcelain vases, and loads of gems. Totally unnecessary.

     678, 679, 680. This is it. The mahogany door was open a crack, most likely from a maid checking on the precious little prince. She smiled as she thought of the person who was going to die today. It was Totally ( Totes man totes) necessary.

     The room was paneled with what looked like expensive dark wood, a statue of a ruby dragon sat on a table, basking in the light of the moon. Velvet drapes dangled lazily off the wall, and potted plants poked curious leaves out of their pots. Queer, She thought, no guards.

     Especially since the prince was literally ON DISPLAY in the middle of the room, sleeping on a massive canopy bed sagging under the weight of lace and velvet and tassels and gems and blah blah blah blah blah. Does he even cover 1/4 of that bed? She thought. Wait, of course not. Pretty self-explanatory.

     The carpet was like, 1 foot deeper than normal carpets. Her feet sank into the white fluffy carpet. Conserving time is a must in assassination, so while wading through the mud-like carpet, she pulled out a blade. A new silver blade, about to become silver and red.

     The knife crash-landed onto the princes throat and was about to slice apart that fatty flesh when-"Hello?" WHAT THE HECK HOW DOES HE WAKE UP LIKE THAT???? Quick thinking, quick thinking, quick thinking...I have to hide! She dives into the safe zone of behind the drapes. Maybe she should get some really expensive drapes just to hide behind."Who-who's there?" The prince muttered groggily. He sits up sleepily to have a better look. The prince scans the room, looking for the usual maid and breakfast tray. Instead he sees a pair of glowing red eyes glaring into his sleepy ones.

     He saw me, might as well be quick. Before the prince could scream, or even move, for that matter, she had pinned him to his bed, hand muffling any sound that might escape. Slice. The knife rested gracefully on his throat. Cut. Thick blue blood began oozing out.

    The prince was thrashing wildly. After all, isn't that what you would do if you couldn't breathe? "Stop," he gasped, "STOP!" His hands clawed feebly at her hands, but it barely did anything. The only thing it did do was cause some serious annoyance.

     "No!"she snarled back. A cloud shifted, illuminating half of the girls face.

     This time the prince gasped, not out of pain, but out of awe. A perfect face scowled back at him, long and curved, thin nose carved delicately into flesh and bone, ruby lips turned down into a frown. Crimson eyes melted into a milky white blankness, while thick eyelashes framed the pupil. Long brown hair with golden ends surrounded the face, and one ear had six pieces of jewels on it, contrary to the other which had but one little stone as decoration.

     The girl was well aware of the gasp, and scooted her face down as close as possible without touching his. This motion put pressure on her hand, which in turn put pressure in the blade. It dug deeper.

     "Stop!" He gasped. Air was precious now. None but a few wisps of it made it to his lungs, and even then, squeezed back out from the pressure she put on his chest.

     ...must...BREATHE. His instincts told him to fight, to push her off him. He followed the instincts.

     His hands grabbed onto her, forcing her back off him. Not even close to a romantic gentlemanly gesture, but desperate needs call for desperate measures. Unexpectedly, she was stronger than he realized, hanging onto his neck like dear life.

     He was fighting back with every ounce of strength he had. Nails dug into flesh as her wrist mimicked his neck, blood oozing like rivers only to splat in puddles on the bed. Blue blood melted into red as they fought. Dig harder, push harde-wait. This was a girl. A girl he never knew before, trying to kill him, but she was still a girl. 'She was very pretty...'

     His romantic fantasies shattered as unexpectedly as they had come. The girl had wrenched one hand free, and had slapped him hard across the face. The sound vibrated through the room, like thunder in a thunderstorm.

     The girl seemed stunned by her action, and her grip loosened just enough so that his hand could could wretch free. He touched his cheek, which was now blossoming a bright red.

     "Stop, please," He murmured as he set his hand down, " I'm done fighting." The girls eyes, which were soft a few seconds before, had once again turned hard.

     "And why is that?" Her eyes now glistened with unshed tears.

       The prince reached up and rubbed her shoulder. She didn't shy away. She let it stay there, letting the comforting touch fill the gap in her heart. It was a familiar touch, one that reminded her so much of a loved one to faraway to reach, one she lost all touch to. Her mother.

     Then her heart turned cold once more. It should be her mom doing this, not her enemy. Her enemy took away her loved one. Thinking this, she bared her teeth at him and wretched free.

     Choking on her own tears, she whispered, through her rage and agony, as she stared straight at him with eyes glazed over, looking at him, but not seeing him."Mother would be here, and mother would comfort me, and mother would love me, but...mother is...gone....because of you." She brought her legs up to her chest, rocking herself and murmuring. She repeated memories, laughing quietly to herself at the happy memories and breaking down at the sad ones.

    The prince watched silently, listening to the girls past. He was sitting up now, both hands steadying himself on the bed.

     "Mom! Where are you going?"
      "Mothers going to get a bad guy, sweetheart."
     "Can mommy bring back any gifts?"
     "I'll try. How do jewels sound?"
     "Great! Mommy, your the best! I'll be so happy when you come home! Daddy promised a HUGE dinner."
     "Come here, my lynxling, and give mommy a hug before she goes!"
The little girl rushes forward, melting into her moms warm embrace.

      "Bye mother!"
     "Farewell, Lypso!"
     But she never brought back any gifts, or herself, either.

End flashback

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