Jenna Marbles' 200th video ~Script~

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  • Dedicated to Jenna Mourey/Marbles

Four years ago in 2010 I started uploading videos to youtube.... This is my 200th video. I wanted to take you to one of my favorite places, To share some thoughts with you... I don't want to say them, Because I want my words to speak for themselves. 

I started doing this because I thought it was funny. Four years later, My entire life has changed.  I have food to eat, A roof over my head, You put those things there and I don't really know why. You gave me a place to be. To fit. To exsist. And I never dreamt I could be this person you made me, Because to me... I'm just Jenna. That's all I can ever be. Nothing special at all.

As more people started watching, I felt the expectations. The questions. What are you going to do next? Where is all of this going? And the truth is. I don't know. People tell you your whole life, "You need to have a plan, If you don't have a plan... You'll never accomplish your goals." But what if your goals are vauge? Like mine. To be happy. To Laugh, Everyday. To experience life. To find love. And loss. To just feel what it feels like to be a human being. To feel alive. Where do you go with goals like that?

People associate loss as being something bad, Fear is bad. Confusion is bad. Failure is bad. But it's not. It's life. Because the way I see it, No one ever knows what they're doing. Ever. And if anyone tells you they do... They're lying. No one knows what life has in store, You can take steps toward what you want, But you can't control where the cards fall. People focus on how to get somewhere they're not right now,  But what's wrong with the step your on? Look around you... Don't miss what you have today- Your friends, Your family, People you love, For many of you... The novelty of me has worn off. That's because all I can give you is me, My life. My thoughts.

We get tired of people every day, And that's okay. With the internet we are always looking for something quick. A quick laugh. A quick idea. A quick solution. You have infinite paths to take, And one weird time you took a path... That led you to me. This is my path, And I don't know where it's going, But you know f you ever want to walk it with me... You can. I'll always be here. I'm silly and fun, Because that's just how I choose to see the world. But I give all the cares in the world, About my life. And yours. And when in doubt... Thank you for the best four years of my life. So far... I mean next year might be pretty dope but who knows. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2014 ⏰

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