The Hugger Games

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The Hugger Games

Chapter One





"You misspelt Hunger."


I smacked her finger away from the title, "I know what I misspelt."


She snorted very attractively before leaning back into her chair, "Yeah, keep believing that."


I sighed and looked over my work. 'The Hugger Games', the title spelt. She was right, who spelt hunger wrong? And this was my school work too. Aw man. I could print another one-


I hadn't saved it.


Shrugging, I figured that it wouldn't matter.


"What's yours on?" I asked, watching her get up from her blue chair and flop onto my bed.


She shrugged, "What I've done, the title's spelt correctly, unlike someone's I know."


I glared at her and sighed. I turned around.




Suddenly, she stood up, her phone clutched tightly in her hand. Tears streamed down her face.




"I've got to go," she whispered.


I nodded my head, silently asking what happened. She shook her head no as if she heard me.


I watched quietly as she ran out of my room.









I was jittery, there was no other word for it.


This lesson was when I was meant to give in the paper, which reminded me; I haven't heard from Katelyn. Nothing at all.




I looked up and placed my paper on to the stack on Mrs. Brom's outstretched palm. She then moved on to the next quivering-in-their-seat student.


 Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

"Blah, blah, poem, blah, blah, homework, blah, blah."


Finally! I thought, stuffing my belongings onto my bag without a moment's hesitation, hurrying to escaped this hell hole of a class.


"And don't forget to do your homework for tommorow! A-Arista, may I speak with you?"


I sighed and stopped packing, it's not like I could say no anyway, I thought. Liam, one of my other friends, glanced at me with that look most friends give you when you have to stay behind. I shooed him away with my eyes.


I mentally sighed and walked towards the front of the room with my backpack slung low over one of my shoulders, thinking this was going to be a quick lecture about 'leaving my pencil on the desk' or 'not throwing away my pencil shavings' or something like that, something completely and utterly unimportant.


"Yes Mister, I mean miss?" I smiled sweetly, acting as though my 'slip up' was a mistake.


"Yes," she coughed, "About your homework..."


Blocked out. Chokablok. Chocolate. Mmmm...

"Arista! Are you listening to me?"


I blinked with a start and blurted out, "Chokablok!"


Silently, I waited for Mrs. Brom to stop gaping and give me my two-month or three detention. Or maybe something less because, let's face it, two-month's detention is a long time for a punishment. Instead, she cried, "I love that ice cream!" My englis teacher just became epicer.


"Anyway," she coughed, "About that title of yours..."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2012 ⏰

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