Happy Rush

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I am now feeling a happy rush. Maybe because of Battery. You know, energy drink. They are bad for health I know. But sometimes I might need one. So as I said I feel happy. I can't explain it at the moment. It feels amazing. I would like to go around the world and share this happiness with everyone.

To be honest, happiness is not destiny, it's a way of life. That might sound clichee but it's true. I learned it myself really the hard way. It's really hard to talk positive feelings when you have for years to have so much negative thoughts in your head. But we have to start from somewhere. Right?

I feel so much energy for me and for life. It's not all about the Battery I just had. I have so much energy that I want to put my life back in track where it belongs. 1 step in a time. Just like I am writing this chapter here and now. Ofcourse there is always bumps in the road and things doesn't always go the way I want to. But I shouldn't be thinking too much of them or thinking the problems or the negative side. Sometimes we just have to move on and focus on the future, not some small thing we did in the past.

It's a bad loop. But I have decided to get off from that loop and get into that positive one. I have to start now I don't want to live my whole life in mysery. Today I am important. Today I mean something. I am beautiful the way I am. No one can take it from me. That is the way to build up self confdence. We just have to decide to do it.

I have been all day inside. I have my normal clothes on like I would go out soon. But propably I am not going to and it is okay. I have done something. Something that is important.As right now, I am putting nail polish on. My beauty in some guys eyes doesn't determine me or my happiness. Or what someone say is okay to someone like me to do. It's not their problem. If you have nothing good to say. Then don't say anything. If you want to change me or you don't like things I want to do to myself. It's not your job to say if it is okay or not.

I am happy to say that I am a lot happier to myself than I was a week ago. That's why I write this. So someone else can make the change happier too. It doesn't happen in a second or over night but small steps.

Today is a happy day. Sun is shining. I have a lot to do in my life but I am happy the way it is now. I feel I am doing progress and that is the most important thing. If you feel like getting out of bed is important thing. Then do it. Maybe next week you are already making lunch to work or school.

I have a feeling that I have found some peace inside of. Even it's sometimes a silent storm inside of me. It's peacefull to see that things are getting alright. Life is not a serious thing. We have to relax sometimes. Here I am smiling to my laptop's screen like an idiot.

I should really remember that happinness is not destination. Happiness is a lifestyle. I want to choose happy lifestyle. I don't want to live in the misery and saddness and all the self hating mind. I am good in the way I am. You are good too. You are amazing. You are strong.

From this day on, I want to do better. I want to be better. I want to live my life the way it makes me happy. If I want to change the way I look, I do it. No one can ever say what I can or cannot do with my life. It feels actually very good.

I should get a hobby too. Because hobbys are nice. There you might see new people. But I have the broblem of not knowing what could I do as a hobby. There is so much good choices. Even I am slightly introvert, I like talk to people. I need to do something else than being at home and sit around, clean, watch tv, etc. I want to go out. I want to see people. I like to help people. I like to listen a lot. Maybe sometimes tell something funny or some weird theories about others or the problems.

All that matters is about feeling good. I have some issues with that on spesific kind of situations. But I am sure I can learn to do better with time. I am glad I have friends who I can talk to all kind of stuff. And I am serious about when I mean everything.

First time in my life I am very exited about life, new things, spending time with a lot of friends. I am pursuing this exitment to others.
Like at the moment I would jump on the walls if I can. Or I ould like to try 10 new lipstick shades. I just wish sometimes to have someone to give some of this exitment. Because in group things are much more intense and happier and better than alone. There is always someone who understand the one part of you.

I wish all of you have a good day and I hope some happiness in your day. Being positive is about your mindset. For real, I have done the change. Don't take too harsh on yourself. It can make more harm than good. You can do better next time. Just be patient and you get what you have dreamed of. I like to do a lot of stuff in future and I will work for them really hard.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2018 ⏰

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