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Kim_KairiBear Kim_KairiBear Kim_KairiBear Kim_KairiBear

you tagged me kid you better read this or else I-

I don't know why I can't insert the picture here so

1.Your nickname

-Jass ( it's j- ASS like YASS not j- ESS)

2. Your eye color

-dark brown

3. Your hair color


4. One fact about you

-I don't like frogs.

5.Favorite color

-Soft blue

6. Favorite celebrity


7.Favorite animal


8.Favorite place

-a hill near my dad's house

9.Favorite song

-Tomorrow (BTS)

10.Favorite book

-The Secret Life of The Mind Mariano Sigman

I won't tag because im a pipsqueak :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2018 ⏰

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