Fire Control Spell (tested)

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Hello my little witches! This spell can teach you how to control fire! Now a few precautions about this spell, it will take time, patience,  and practice. I have been practicing for 2 days and can only make the flame of a candle shrink and grow. Also, fire is the most wild element and will take some time to get under control. And be careful with it, seeing as its fire.

What you need:

* a candle
*something to light the candle
*your voice

You want to take the candle and light it. Holding your hand above the flame or both hands on either side of it, say the words "Fire, Fire, Fire. By the power of three, give fire control to me. So mote it be." Say this as many times as you want, and make sure you say it every time before you practice until you can just do it without having to say it. Then wave your hand over the fure and imagine the fire going in a certain direction or imagine the fire doing something. It does take alot of practice but it does work.

~☆Cursed Seeker☆~

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