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Hear ye! Hear ye!

A little Birdie told me that there was a war raging on nearby. Well, what kind of a WARRIOR would I be if I didn't jump into the fray? I am a DRAGON, after all!

Welcome to my side of the arena! I'm Lectra Draconeey, but people know me better as Blitz. As you might have guessed from all the tags or the description, this is a book written for the collaborative work on a joint account I run, along with my fellow WORD WARRIORS.

You can check it out here:  w-static

"Publish or Perish" is a collection of prompt-inspired short stories, updated monthly, each time with new, inventive ideas.

A new tale to tell.

Every time.

This account is a collective effort brought to life through the works of my fellow Wattpadders.

You can check them out here:







That's enough of introduction, let's get on with the real game.

I'm  @Omega_to_Alpha , this is my side of the story (...stories). I'm here to map the uncharted.

~Signing off with a bang!

PUBLISH OR PERISH | @Omega_to_Alpha VersionWhere stories live. Discover now