My Hero Academia: Power of the Gods Chapter 1 - Raging God's Power

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Greetings everyone, it's me again with a new story with my new friend MySoulReader. Say hello Soul.

Soul: Hello Again! (Please get the reference)

Today we'll be working on my first ever My Hero Academia AU/AT story that I got inspiration from Soul and another one shot story I ready on Deviantart. In this story, Izuku has a Quirk called Deity's Fortune (Soul's name for it.). Thanks for the naming help of this Soul.

Soul: You're welcome. But let's start the story!

Not yet, still have one more announcement and disclaimer, don't want to flagged for this story you know.

Soul: Right, we own nothing but the idea and All Rights Reserved!

Just the OCs we have and powers we make up, and plot changes. Enjoy!


Chapter 1: Raging God's Power


Another sunny day in Musutafu, Japan, a 4 year old boy with black, bushy hair and green tips played with his mother close by. This little boy's name was Izuku Midoriya, one of many children waiting to be gifted an ability called a quirk. But this perfect scene didn't last as a boy with sandy blonde, spiky hair who was the same age as Izuku, was bullying a child with dark blonde hair and green eyes.

As soon as Izuku saw them, he bolted over and was hit by an explosion produced by Katsuki's quirk. "Kacchan... " He said weakly before he was hit with another explosion.

The boy, name Hansuke Hikaru, was surprised by this, someone he never met helped him. People thought he was just a tech-nerd due to his Quirk: Technomancer. He went over to Izuku to check on him pulling out a healing field generator prototype he made from scrap parts. "Are you okay!?" he asked in worry, activating the field. "Why did you help me like that? You knew you'd get hurt, so why?" He may have been the son of two world know heroes, but he never saw anyone but his parents do something like that, jumping into help others. When it activated though, it fizzed and sparked, before exploding into pieces. "Gah!" He then dropped it. "Not again!"

"Sorry, it just looked like you wanted help... " Izuku said weakly before Katsuki showed up again and used an explosion to blast Hansuke away from Izuku.

"Come on, Deku! It's just you and me." He said grimly before Izuku was blasted as well and knocked further into the dirt, seconds away from losing his conscious.

A little distance away, Hansuke got back up and saw what happened. "Bakugo!" he shouted. "Leave him alone!"

Bakugo just smirked at Hansuke and asked, "Oh yeah, Sure Shot Loser! What are you going to do about it?" As he finished saying that, Izuku finally lost consciousness.


(Izuku's Mind Scape)

As Izuku woke up, he only saw white in every direction before a bright light engulfed his vision and appeared in a zen garden. Izuku looked around confused, "W-Where am I? H-Hello? I-Is anyone here?"

"Young one, over here." Sounded a loud and imposing voice but as Izuku looked towards the source, he saw a giant man with markings all over his body and six arms. He was in front of a waterfall, meditating in lotus position while on a stone that was above the small pond created by the waterfall.

"W-Who are you?" Izuku asked, a bit intimidated.

"I am Asura young Midoriya," the man answered as he stood up.

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