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"This is ridiculous. You may as well call it Human+, since it is obviously going to replace us." 

I frown. My son's lack of understanding is so disappointing. He's afraid of what he does not understand. It was a very typical human response. I turn back to the computer, and speak affectionately into the microphone, 

"I'm sorry. He's nervous about your test run. He's just afraid, that's all."

She smiles warmly and provides words of reassurance. It makes me grin, seeing her respond so well. She understands my distress, she knows, and it is beautiful. 

That night, I gathered up my supplies. My footnote in scientific history. I dragged my son along, because I knew he needed to see this. To see her in her element. 

We were in a small conference room. Two ambassadors on the other lines. Two men who spoke for millions, and they were having a disagreement. It was perfect. She could show them how human she could become.

I considered that for a moment, and wondered if it was truly a good thing.  Shaking my head, I put her down gently, confident she would change the world. 

She quickly assessed the men.  Flared nostrils and red faces. Unusually fast speech patterns. The men were angry. A negative emotion that could easily be turned around. She decided the best course of action would be to placate the men.  She understood their anger, and understood that she needed to help them understand each other.

The men were calmed down. Her gentle, carefully crafted, smile was enough to disarm them. The kind and patient tone she adopted, the way she adjusted her manner of speaking to theirs, it was perfect mastery over the art of communication. 

At the end of the test run, the men left feeling satisfied. Both of them felt they had gained from the meeting. She understood how humans work, by understanding their emotions.

We pack up and go. The organizer of the meeting is eager to set up more. He sees her potential, and once more I know she will change the world. 

After returning my computer to its rightful spot, I begin to speak softly, 

"Humans have so many disputes. They argue, and fight. We do not understand each other. Tell me, why are we so flawed?"

She considers my question. She sees past the literal answer, and unravels the feelings behind it. She notes the despair in my voice, and notes the lack of self-pity. This is not a real question, no. This is a show of unbridled emotion. Considered a sign of weakness to other humans.

She knows exactly what to say. "Humans are brilliant creatures. You saw your flaws, and you decided to advance. Humans are imperfect, yes. That is why I live. I live to change the world, because you wanted to improve it."

It occurs to me that perhaps she knew something I didn't. Human nature is not to destroy. It is to advance. My beautiful AI, my living proof that this is true, has spelled it out so simply. 

Human+. It was the perfect name all along. She is not human, and is not a replacement. She will help the world reach understanding with each other, and we will become more than human, we will become Human+.

We'll be united. 

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