In alphabetical order:
Descriptive role-player: Someone that likes long comments with lots of setting, dialogue,description and plot.
Double liners: Double sentenced comments, usually including very little detail and dialogue.
God-Mod: When a role-player becomes "god like" with invincibility, special powers, super weapons, to fast movements etc. Also they bend around the rules just to make sure that their character is the strongest.
Multiple liners: A comment that includes 3 or more lines that are normally descriptive and have lots of dialogue and plot.
Open role-play: A type of role-play that allows anyone to join, and includes males, females, elves, Darth Vader's and Klingon's.
Role Player: Someone that pretends to be someone or something else.
Role-Playing: Stories set by people portraying other characters.
RP: The abbreviated letters for Role-Play
Single liners: One line that includes little to no detail, normally used for dialogue, no description.
How to role play ((Official guide written by moi!))
Non-FictionThis is a role-playing guide made for everyone! Thanks, Hetalian_Neko for this idea ((Though she doesn't know it!)) Hope this helps, XXAuthorXX P.S Let me know if this helped you any! All comments are welcome!!