Chapter One

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I awoke from a bad dream in my bed, alert, shaking, and breathing heavily. That thought slowly left as I remembered what today was. Today is the day I get to go home. It's time to go home from our vacation. We packed everything up last night so we didn't have to do so in the morning. I showered and got ready, which luckily doesn't take long. After less than fifteen minutes we head out the door and take a cab to the airport. Our cab driver asked way too many questions. I zoned everyone out and stared out the window. Once we arrived at the airport, we went through security, and we waited a fairly long time until we were able to board flight Oceanic 815. Once we were on the plane, I sat by the window and looked out waiting for the plane to take off.

I should take this time to tell you about myself. My name is Jessica. I'm thirteen, almost fourteen, years old. My "parents" are foster parents. I have gone through many different foster parents. It's not because I'm a bad kid, they even tell me that. It's just because I don't talk, or even engage all that much. My original parents abused me, physically, verbally, and sexually. After my dad was convicted, my mom blamed me for them sending him to jail. So, she started abusing me, too. This time more it was more physically, with some verbal. The last time, my mom kicked me in the head, it could've been a fatal injury. But miraculously, I lived. I was an only child, and I wasn't wanted. And I think that's all you need to know about me.

I slept most of the flight, not wanting to talk to anyone. At one point, I got up to go to the bathroom, and when I came back my foster parents were gone. Suddenly, the plane started viscously shaking and I fell into the aisle seat. Which isn't my go to seat of choice, but the flight attendant forced me to sit and fasten my seat belt. I don't notice how tight my hands were clenched around the arm rests until a fairly long haired guy said, "never flew before?" I shoot my head up at him across the aisle. I shake my head, no. He smirks a little, "I'd tell ya its normal, but it ain't." As soon as he finishes saying that the plane shakes more and drops altitude. Masks fall and people are screaming, it's insane. Then, right as I look back, the plane splits apart and I see people get sucked out. My heart is racing and I'm having trouble breathing. I try to grab a mask, but I'm short for my age. I fumble to undo my seatbelt but someone reaches above me. I flinch and notice it's the shaggy haired man. He pulls the mask down and hands it to me, then he promptly sits back down, and puts his mask back on. I put mine on right before I black out.


Thank you if you read this. :) follow me on instagram. @iwishiwasonoceanic815 tell me what you think!

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