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Hey readers thank you so much for reading my book; Misfit Bitch. It means so much to me, I am going to try and start to update at least once a month, maybe twice. I really want my book to start progressing and geting noticed. (:
-thanks so much O.W.

P.S. the picture above is crews hair color

"Crew Jane Fox! Get your ass up!" My father screamed as he made his way upstairs. I open my eyes and realize where I am the floor, just another drunk night out in town. I groan as I lift my body up off the floor and fall back down on my face.

"Crew!" I hear my door open.

"Crew thats it. You need to get your things together, you are going to your mothers tonight the flight leaves at four, that gives you about 2 hours Lets go up, up, up." I feel two hands on my arms lifting me to my bed.

"Dad come on you know how I feel right now, its not like you have never had a hangover." I whine

"Oh, dont use that against me Crew. Yes I was a drunk and I dont want this for you, I dont want you to live your life like this. As your father I am trying to help you, And I dont care if you think it is unfair. Now get your things together." I watched his feet as he walked out of my room and close the door.

I felt like I was going to die. Going on a plane to Chicago is going to be a bitch what kind of father does this to his own daughter? What have I ever done to him that he has not done to me?

It was his decision to get a divorse with my mother, if it would have been my choise I would have never let that happen. Why does he think I started to turn to drugs and sex I mean its not that hard to figure out. Its better than trying to kill myslef all the time right?

Thats what my sister did.

+ + +

As we drove in the rain to the airport I felt sick I put my head phones in, my sunglasses on, leaned my chair back, and closed my eyes.

The last time I got on a plane my whole family was still together.

The house we were moving to was in New York. My dad was taking so many buissness trips there that we just decided it would be better to move to New York. Soon after we moved my parents decided on a devorce and then after the whole thing was final my little sister, Elizabeth started to self harm.

When I found out that Liz had been self harming I was not really suprised, I knew she wasnt happy and she wanted to die, but I didnt know how far her depression went.

My dad being was horrified by what she was doing to herself. He got her a theapist the week he found out. For a while Liz really seemed to be improving. That was until the purging stared. She just started getting so skinny and she looked dead. I really did try to help her, make her feel better be with her. I guess it takes more than just being with someone to make them feel better.

One day I came home from school and found her. She had hung herself. The only kind of crying I did that day was sobbing. She had given up, she had left me to live a horrible life waiting for death.

So now instead of waiting for death to come to me I try to help it come faster with all the drinking and smoking I am doing hopfully it will come by the age of 20.

The car sudenly stopped. I opened my eyes to see the air port.

"Crew." I heard my dads voice over my music.

I took out one earphone and faced him. My father the one who was sending me off to Chicago because he thought there I might make different choices in my life. Well he was wrong nothing is going to change there, I still want to die and nothing he can do will ever change that.

"Hun, please understand I am doing this because I love you, and I want the best for you." He sounded sencire

"Thanks dad. Maybe I will have an easier time getting closer to death in Chicago, I want you to know how thankful I am for this chance to easliy die I am. I know you will never regret it." I said as I opened the passenger door. "Please pop the trunk for me, see you in the after life, have a good one."

My dad sat there speachless. I glared at him.

"I am soking wet and I need my shit hurry the hell up." I walked to the trunk of the car. It took a few minutes but it finally popped open.

I grabbed my bag and walked inside the airport.

Stupid lines why are lines even a thing? why is everything so fake. They should be crazy and real. I went to the line, its not like I want to but how else am I supost to get to my new home?

"Hello one ticket to Chicago."

"One way?" He asks

"Yeah." I giving him an annoyed look

"Are you visiting family hun?" He asks in a flirting tone.

"Look sir I dont really want to be talking to you, but I need a stupid ticket to get on the plane. If it was my choice I would have just bought the ticket online, but guess what I didn't have enough damn time to do that today! So now I need a stupid piece of shit paper to get on a plane I don't want to get on."

The man just stared at me like I was a crazy person.

"Look I didn't mean to yell at you. Sorry I have just had a really bad day." I really ment it. It has been a horrible day.

"Your okay mam. Trust me screaming is something I hear daily. It is always happening its either at me or my co workers." He looked at me with understanding eyes. "License please" he said putting out his hand out.

Two minutes later, he handed me my plane ticket. I walked over to the departure time board.

New York> Chicago

Time To Departure- 30 minutes

"Shit" I whisper under my breath. A old man next to me gives me a weird look. I glare at him. Like he has any right to judge me. He was probably some sort of money cheating hoe bag who has no life and this is what led him to this airport.

I turned and rolled my eyes so the man could not see me. I turned back around and he was gone.

"Thank God." I looked back up at the screen.

Time To Departure- 25 minutes

"Holy Fuck" I grabbed my bag and ran. I am not a fast at runner because I smoke like a train.

As I made my way to security I started to get a horrible pain in my lungs. My breaths started to get faster, I used to run cross country before I started smoking. That was a long time ago.

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