Cahpter 2: The Whites

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I remember running in the maze fields as the women of the tribe giggled at the young man showing off their scars. I was about 5ish looking. I had black hair that was in two long braids across my shoulders and down my chest. My skin was dark and brown. My eyes were the deepest shade of brown, making it hard to distinguish my pupil. I wore deer skins just around my waste and going all the way down my legs as a pant. I had deer skin shoes, but I preferred leaving them in the hut. The elder of the tribe spoke of keeping connected with Mother Earth, so I wore no shoes. I was playing a game with the other children when the horn sounded, meaning danger. All the kids ran back to their huts, but I stayed out and looked to where the young men were running with their bows and arrows. I ran with with Mother. She was Native America, and Native America was strong. She grabbed one hand on a tree and swung around it watch the clouds. Her long black hair almost had a mind of its own as the wind swept it, and a slight smile of thrill and excitement was on her face.

All of the men had makeup to help them blend with the trees. I was able to tuck my small body in a shrub and watched as strange white clouds came towards the shore. As they came closer, I saw the strange clouds were attached to large pieces of wood from a tree. It made such an interesting shape and floated perfectly on the water. The thing stopped quite a ways away from shore and people got on little versions of the thing and rowed themselves over to our shore. Upon further inspection, I noticed how pale faced these people were. They had lighter colored everything, from skin to eyes to hair.

They never noticed us but immediately started building very complex huts. We watched them struggle to survive on our land. Many died, including women and children. We told the tribe and the elder of their pure intent and their struggle to survive. We decided to take pity on them. Mother was the first to go in. She entered the white peoples' village. Everyone stared but no one threatened her. She layed down maize and they took it gratefully. She returned daily and soon many of the tribe would come. They told us of their struggles and we agreed to help them. We showed them how to plant maize and to help it grow in such rocky soil. We tought them to fish and find clean water. They welcomed the help.

The white people were soon our friends. We all decided to sit and celebrate their first successful harvest. We thanked Mother Earth for her kindness to these strangers and they thanked their God. We all ate and told stories. It was the time of my life. However, it seemed Mother started to catch something. She coughed a couple times during the feast, but it was not too bad.

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