Lovely Discovery of You ( Chapter 1 )

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Chapter 1

A soft feminine voice woke Vivianna up from her beauty sleep.

" Young miss, you should wake up now.."

"10 more minutes!" Vivianna said authomatically.


" Let me do it! A stong muscular voice said blantly and Vivianna immediately recognised it. Derrick.

" Aey! Wake up! " He said, leaning against her baby pink bed frame, a perfect complement with his light blue shirt.

" Shut up.. " She turned, so that her back faced him, Vivianna pulled her quilt to cover her freezing legs. However, just as she was about to pull it, he snatched it roughly away from her.

" Get up! " He added, " Now "

" Bro, just leave me alone. Its my off day today you know.. "

" What?! Your not working today?! " He pulled a face, " What good life you have as an elementary school teacher! " Vivianna turned and gave him a big I-know-right smile.

After 30 minutes of dressing up, Vivianna finally got really for breakfast. She dragged her feet down the golden marble staircase and made a beeline towards the dining room.

" Good morning, young miss.. " As usual, Lady Taylor and 2 other maids that she doesn't recognise, bowed. Lady Taylor is in charged of the overall wellness of this huge house. As Vivianna headed to the kitchen, her mother snapped.

" Vivianna! Where is your basic manners? Are we invisible to you? " Her mother pointed to her dad and her two older brothers, all fully dressed for work. Vivianna eyed her mother closely, noticing a determined glint in her eyes. She finally sighed and said, " Hi. "

As she was walking away from them, she heard her dad sighing too.

"What's wrong with you Mary? " Her dad qustioned.

" Don't you think Vivianna should brush up on her manners? Is this how she is going to greet her mother-in-law? "Vivianna stopped abruptly as she listened carefully to their converstion. What? Not again! Mother-in-law, Father-in-law, having children what's next? She closed her eyes trying to control all her mix feelings, ever since she turned ninteen, her mother keeps on prompting her about considering another boyfriend.

" I wondered why she dumped Pete! He was such a capable man! " Her mother continued, " She should lower down her standards, if not I'll never be able to carry my grandchild. "

' Capable my foot! ' Vivianna thought. She was quite sure that Pete will be her first boyfriend and her last. After pouring a cup of hot choclate, she went back to the dining table.

Pa! The sound of her cup slamming against the glass, flowery table, shocked her parents.

" Vivianna! You scared me! " Her mother placed her hand over her chest as if she got boxed there.

" Mum, enough. "Derrick, her oldest brother scooped a mouthful of spinach into his bowl.

" You too Derrick! When are you going to propose to Cassey? " Their mother retorted. Derrick sighed and gaze towards Jeremy then to me. Jeremy who was all so quiet, suddenly interupted, " Dad! I thought you said we are going to visit your company today! " Dad lifted his head and smiled amicably.

" Right Jeremy, you sure have a good memory! " He looked at the clock, but they needed to go to work if not----

As if on cue, Jeremy said, " Can we skip work for a day? " Immediately, a knuckle came knocking on his head, " You wanna get me fired? " Derrick said playfully, his mouth filled with rice.

" Is it that important? " Mum asked.

" Of course! " Jeremy replied enthusiastically, " Dad is going to pass down his company! "

" Don't be silly, " Dad exclaimed, laughing. " There is still many more years to go! I'm still so healthy and fit! "

" Hey dad! " Vivianna interrupted, " You can always speak to their bosses right? " She pointed to her two brothers.

" Speak? " Her dad narrowed his eyes then broke into intense laughter, " Yeah, they can come drink tea with me and if they dare fire my two babies, I'll fire them! "

Both Derrick and Jeremy gave a thumbs up and high five their dad. Vivianna looked at them, puzzled.

Jeremy laughed at her expression, " Hey Baby Vivi, don't you know? "

" Know what? " Vivianna continued muching her cereal, totally oblivious to the weird glances from her parents.

" Gosh, you really don't know? "Jeremy gasped, " We are both working in a firm that is under dad's company! "

Vivianna widened her eyes, " Really? Dad how big exactly is your company business? "

" International? Vivianna girl, don't tell me you don't know that! " Her dad added, shocked, " Then where do you think this fancy house, maids, your dresses come from? " He gestures around the house.

" Right.. " Vivianna swallowed, trying to digest these information. International? Since young, Vivianna always thought her dad owns no more than mama shop.

" So those guys that were in black suit that came yesterday are not your suppliers? " She said innocently.

" Suppliers? Her dad asked, " What? You think I owned a MaMa shop?" The whole house roared with laughter, except Vivianna who was thinking hard.

Jeremy was laughing so hard until his eyes were tearing. Somehow, Vivianna's childhood thought became the greatest joke ever. Even until they reached their dad's main company and they were still teasing her.

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