Falling in Love is hard to do

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Falling in Love is Hard to Do

Chapter One

Anna Evers was jogging down the trail near her house. Her black hair was tied in a tight ponytail and she wore a white running top and gray shorts with silver sneakers. In the summer, the sun bounced through the leaves flooding the forest with a soft yellow light. She stopped and rested for a minute while taking a drink of her Gatorade. She loved the Lemon-Lime taste which was cascading down her throat.

Anna started running again and about another mile in she heard footsteps and whispers behind her. She stopped and took a look around her, nothing was there. She assumed it was her imagination and resumed running. Fifteen minutes later she heard it again, she stopped and looked into the forest to see if anyone was there but no one was there like before. She started to get scared and started running faster. In her last mile in she stopped one last time on the suspension bridge over the gorge in which a large river flowed through.

The bridge started to sway because of the wind, and Anna held on to the bridge edge to steady herself. The wind soon died down and she continued drinking her Gatorade. She stopped drinking when she heard a splintering sound, like a cracking of wood. Suddenly one side of the bridge fell down. Anna gripped the the bridge entertwined her hands as quickly as she could into the rope so she wouldn't fall into the deep gorge. The gatorade bottle made a loud hollow sound as hit a large rock at the bottom of the gorge. A large scream erupted from Anna's mouth as she scrambled to get a foot hold on the wooden slats of the bridge. She climbed slowly, taking deep breaths. After 30 minutes she got to the last ten feet of the bridge. Her hand serched for a something to pull her self up. She used the stump on which the bridge was holding it self precariously on. The same splintering sound filled her ears and realized the stump she was holding was breaking. She flailed frantically but realized her foot was cought in the bridge rope. Her scream drowned out the wood splintering. The stump broke off and the bridge followed. Anna opened her eyes when she realized she wasn't falling. Sh looked up and her hand was being pulled up by someone else's.

The mystery hand pulled her up and set her on her feet, she looked up and a handsme guy. He was very pale skinned and had the bluest eyes she had ever seen. His black and brown hair came up to his eyebrows and his muscle shirt showed off his perfectly toned body.

"You ok?" he asked.

"Yeah..." I said mezmerized by his beauty

"Wow you don't seem to act like a person who just survived a bridge malfunction." he laughed, trying to lighten the mood," What's your name by the way?"



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