Wake Me Up Inside

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How can you see into my eyes...

Ty struggled against the numerous tentacles pulling him deeper and deeper under the water.

Like open doors?

Two shadowy figures had entered the water above him.

Leading you down to my core, where I've become so numb.

The water around Ty was so ice cold, that he struggled to stay awake, unable to get the oxygen he so desperately needed.

Without a soul....

One of the figures trying to catch up with Ty gripped a golden sword in one hand. Their face filled with desperation to save their friend.

My spirit's sleeping somewhere cold...

The other figure's hands glowed a faint purple as they used their magick to help them breathe under the water. Their face filled with determination to save Ty.

Until you find it there...

The figures swam as fast as they could, scared of losing their friend.

And lead it back...

The figure with the sword, threw it like it was a trident with such force that it sliced through half of the tentacles holding Ty. While the other used their magick to force the tentacles to release Ty. The squids fled into the deep and left Ty suspended where he was in the water. As the figures reached Ty and began pulling him to the surface as he finally slipped into unconsciousness.


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