Hello there stranger

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The sound of joyous laughters from both women and men was mixed with the classic music that was playing in the background. The air carried the smell of lavender and Roses plus the expensive perfume of Ceos' wives and the Ceo themselves.

18 years old Seokjin could only smile thinking of how pretty and fancy the party hall looks like, his mother whom was next to him, was sad. Seeing all those young men and boys enjoying their times, their sight , while her own flesh and blood was simply sitting on the velvet chair, not moving from his seat, simply tapping his fingers on the table to match the rhythm, after all the boy was blind.

The accident that caused Jin to lose his sight never left his mother's mind, the horror repeated in her nightmares on a daily base. Every time she looks at her beautiful son, she sees that day. It left a physical scar on Seokjin but a mental psychical one on her.

5 July, 2012 . Seokjin was only 15 years old that time and he left the house at 8:33 a.m after saying goodbye to her and his older brother while his dad was already in the company.

He had a school trip and as the fluffy jelly bean he was, the boy was more than excited.

However she felt something really wrong, she blamed it on her motherly instinct and decided to let it go. After all her boy need to discover new places and learn how act on his own.

Jin was supposed to return at 7:00 pm. But he didn't...
Maybe there's traffic, she said.
8:00 pm...
Maybe they are having fun..yeah..and traffic...
9:00 pm.

She called his father while crying, the police, his hyung went to search for him or go to the school to see if they were waiting there...

At 10:00 pm she got a call from the police.
They informed her that a terrible accident happened and the bus that had her precious son on, collapsed on it way back.

She'll never forget, how she entered the hospital, how loud her cries and shout were, the sight of Seokjin getting out of the operation room. Alive.

But when the boy opened his eyes and asked if the lights were all turned off.. Her heart dropped.

From that moment Seokjin became blind.

A tug on her dress' sleeves sent her back to reality and she found Seokjin reaching for her hands and succefully squeezed it as if he was trying to say it's okay, she smiled and kissed the top of his head.

"Honey, Jinah, come here I want you to meet a dear friend of mine." his father said, she stood up followed by Seokjin who insisted on walking alone. He might be blind but the boy knew to do anything without help. Loosing his sight didn't stop him, yes the first year was definitely hard as hell for him but after it he started to adapt better to everything.

"This is Mr.Jeon one of my old colleagu, owner of Jeon corporation Fashion and his son Jungkook."

The man looked young despite having a son as tall as him, and his son "Jungkook" was handsome with really sharp features and strong aura despite being this young. She just wonders...where is his wife?

"Pleased to meet you Mr.Jeon, you too Jungkookssi."
"Thank you Mrs.Kim." Mr.Jeon replied while Jungkook gave a small bow.
"This is my little pearl I mean son-man Seokjin. Our youngest one." Mr.Kim chuckled slightly, remembering how Jin pleaded his mother to adress him like a grown up man in front of others while Jin bowed.
"Hello son."
"Hey." Jungkook said shallowly while extending his arm but Jin didn't blink or reply which kinda pissed him off so he pulled his hand back thinking that it was a rude gesture.

"Jungkook, I'll go discuss our new project with Seokjin's parents. You stay with him."
"Okay appa."

Jungkook was honestly annoyed. Not that his dad dragged him to this boring lame party, he's now forced to sit with this brat. His beauty is unreal... Especially his plump lips, he give him that but other than this nothing to admire really.

"So Seokjin?"
"You can call me Jin." he replied still not looking at him... Is there something on his face?
"How old are you exactly?"
"Recently turned 18 and you Jungkook?"
"You're my hyung then." Jin smiled widely showing his pearly teeth.
That damn smile and it deed.
"My face is that way you know?"
Jungkook said grabbing Jin's chin and turned him toward his direction.
"I am blind."

A slight guilt punched his stomach for accusing the guy of being rude but he decided to brush it off and just carry on the conversation normally. If possible.

"The music is shitty."
"It's nice in my opinion...tho it's not my favorite, I am more into pop especially Bigbang."
"Amazing. Who's your favorite member?"
"T.O.P of course...You like Bb as well?"
"Hell yeah."
"We're both V.I.P then."
"We're Ceo's sons as well..isn't life great?"
"You don't sound really happy saying it though Jungkook."

And the awkward conversation turned into two hours of talking but Jungkook didn't get a second chance to meet Jin, only in the airport.

The latter went abroad to Washington's Uni for "disabled" students to study literature via braille and complete his major in Cooking.

He was lucky not to be forced to study business amd economy since his older brother is the one to inherit the company work and their father's position while he was allowed to pursue his dream of becoming a chef.

"Who will receive you there?" Jungkok asked while carrying Jin's luggage.
"I don't need anyone to do so."
"But how-"
"Yo!" the loud voice interrupted him and suddenly a new person was wrapping his arms around the beautiful boy from behind.
"As I was saying before Hobi interrupt me, I don't need anyone cause he's going with me....Why were you late mister?"
"...Overslept..sorry...Hey I am Jung Hoseok, I also go by the name Jhope, Hobi, Hoba, sunshine."
"Jeon Jungkook."
"Jin we need to go now they're calling, Bye Jungkook nice to meet you, I can carry Jin's luggage."
"Bye Kook, thank you."
"No need to. Take care." Jungkook waved goodbye yet he couldn't help but feel some sort of a pang in his heart.


Three years later :

"Honey hurry up!!! We need to reach the airport before Jinnie's airplane set."
"I missed him!" his older brother shout then laughed all of a sudden. Mr.kim couldn't help but think of how adorable his family is amd how complete they'll feel after Jin come back to their arms. Everything will be amazing.

Only that scream was heard before everything collapse and the car roll mercilessly on the empty road.

B E C O N T I N U E D 💔

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