Broken pieces

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Allah save me and help me not break this time. I am breaking apart, save me from this damage. Not this time, I've always been afraid of 'losing him' and this particular prayer "If we've no future, diminish his love from my heart" but I don't know why I feel like asking for it today, at this moment. I am all shattered, all my hopes are scattered and all my life is lying in broken pieces around me.

Please end my tests and this is the point I'll embrace your messenger and open myself up to him to take away this soul and free my body from its pains and let it meet its creator, let it never return to this lifeless piece of clay of my existence. Let it stay in heavens, eternally.

Give my soul space, it's tired of being trapped in this body. Let it see the world from heavens roaming, naked of this body, and burdens of life, let it stare its love from the point it gets what it desires.

Would be very painful to see its love away and not even somewhere near the body it resided in, would be overwhelmingly unbearable but if not this body then someone, someone has to take the pain and feel it, that's residing in it, in it's core, eating the remaining bits of my being. Allah help me gather my broken pieces and lend me the courage and strength to collect them and continue the race of life or else disqualify me. I have lost it Allah, I've lost it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2018 ⏰

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