Harry Styles

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ok, so this is my Harry Styles #Imagine Story - Part 94. You can find the other parts in my Favorites on my twitter @DoinTheDuggie - just saying i changed to wattpad because twitlonger is shit. Hope you like it.

Harry Styles #Imagine Story – Part 95



As we said goodbye to my family that night, my dad came up to me and hugged me. Hugging him tightly and smiling at him, he sighed.

“I love you sweetheart” he whispered.

“I love you to Dad” I whispered back, my voice breaking slightly.

Pulling away and waving goodbye to everyone I got into the car, looking over at Harry who smiled at me widely and leaned over to kiss me.

“I love you so much, you know that” he mumbled behind the kiss.

I smiled and ran my hand across his jawbone, sighing against his neck. Knowing that deep down inside I loved him right back.


I yawned and sighed, stretching back in the plastic seat that I was sitting in. Looking over at Niall next to me “2 days in a row” I mumbled. “I have come to the airport with you guys” I said.

“you didn’t have to come, ya know” Harry said smirking at me.

“I wanted to though, your mum is quite a nice person” I said smirking back.

“quit thinking about my mum” he said punching my shoulder lightly and smirking.

All of us boys happened to have a small crush on Harrys mum, I mean we cant help it. She is absolutely beautiful. Harry knew that we weren’t being serious though and as I stood to stretch I saw Harrys stepdad Robin in the distance, Harry had told us already that his dad wasn’t coming. He didn’t really get on that well with his dad and as he stood to hug his mum who was running towards us.

She smiled when she saw me and Niall, hugging us both and finally stopping to look at (YN).

“mum, this is (YN)” Harry said putting his hand on the small of her back and smiling.

“iv heard so much about you love” she said hugging (YN) and standing back to smile at her.


Around 12 in the afternoon after we had gotten home from dropping Harrys mum and family off at their hotel just down the street, Harry looked over at me.

“my mum really likes you, ya know” he said with a smile.

“really ?” I asked with a shy smile.

“yeah, when I told her about the engagement while unpacking the suitcases she started happily crying” he said with a smirk leaning over to kiss my forehead. I leaned up to kiss him properly, letting his hands fall around my waist, he smirked.

“ever since this whole wedding stuff started we havnt really had much time to ourselves have we” he whispered pulling me back towards his room but before we could do anything I heard Niall down the hall “HAZZA, HURRY UP WE’RE LEAVING” he yelled down the hall. He sighed and looked me in the eyes kissing my forehead and groaning against my neck.

“where are you going ?” I asked with a smirk as he looked me in the eyes.

“CANT WE GO TOMORROW ?!” he yelled back.


“where are you guys all going ?” I asked looking him in the eyes.

“tuxedo shopping” he said sighing and kissing me once more.

I groaned “miss you already” I said smirking lightly and taking my arms from around his waist.

He bit his lip and smiled at me “tonight, me, you that’s it. No one else, il get a different apartment for the night if that’s needed” he said with small smile. Getting his beanie off of the side table behind him he pulled it over his curls and smiled at me

“wish me luck” he whispered.

“good luck” I sighed kissing him once more before following him out to the kitchen where the boys pulled him out the door. He smiled at me and gave me a look before Louis yelled.

“come on, you can make love tonight. But for now its man time” he said winking at you as he shut the door behind Hazza. You laughed and walked into the lounge where Eleanor was sitting. She looked up at me sleepily and grabbed my hand pulling me over and causing me to fall on the couch.

“whats up love ?” I asked.

“im bored, and Louis’ not here” he said pouting jokily at me and wrapping her arm around my waist tightly with a smirk.

“urgh, loosen. Just a tad. Please El” I managed to gasp out before she let go.

I took a deep breath and sighed.

“Wheres Danielle ?” I asked.

“shes still asleep” she said pulling a face and flicking through the channels on tv.

“its like 1 in the afternoon” I said looking confused.

“her and Liam were pretty loud last night” she said smirking.

“urgh, god. To much information El” I mumbled groaning at her.

She just laughed and smirked.

“don’t act innocent, since iv been staying all I can hear is you and Harry down the hall” she said poking my arm and smirking. “oh (YN)” she mocked in Harrys accent laughing.

“shut up” I said throwing a pillow at her head and smirking.

“feels so good” she said still mocking.

“im going to wake Danielle up” I said standing and walking away from her laughing.

“I love you so much (YN)” she yelled back in a low voice that was supposed to sound like Harry.

“weirdo” was all I yelled back as I slowly pushed the door open for Danielle and Liams room.

It was spotless. Of course. Their suitcases had been stacked neatly by the closet door while their clothes inside were neatly folded and hung up in the walk in wardrobe. I could see the en suite bathroom and all the towels were folded as well as the soap bottles all neatly lined along the window sill and as I walked over to their bed where Danielle was sleeping I saw the desk where both of their laptops sat, of course neatly.

“Danielle” I whispered pushing against her shoulder gently.

“Dannie, wake up” I said again poking her cheek gently.

Eleanor walked in, looking over at me “shes a bit of a heavy sleeper, you need to be louder that that” she said walking over and standing next to me.

“Danielle, wake up” she yelled hitting her over the head with a pillow

“what the fuck…?” she mumbled looking up at Eleanor and giving her a glare.

“get out of bed Dannie, its 1 in the afternoon” I said

“im tired though” she mumbled pulling the duvet over her head and groaning.

“come on, we want to go into town and we’re not going to leave without you” Eleanor said

‘fine, gimme; 10 minutes” Danielle muttered under the covers.

“you better be out of bed in 10 minutes young lady, or im going to get the jug of ice water from the fridge” I said nudging her under the blanket.

“you wouldn’t” she said pushing the covers back and looking me in the eye.

“you have no idea” I said winking as she laughed and pushed the covers back.

End Of Part 95

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Love you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2012 ⏰

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