Part 2

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Caption:boring nights in

Heather:fucking stunning
Katie:love you heather
Heather:love you
Katie:thank you Nathan

Group chat

Heather:hey hoe
Katie:I am soo bored
Nathan:aw princess
Heather:jk not really but anyway same I want to do something
Josh:we could all go out and then stay at someone's
Chrissy:yeah and Nathan snap me
Adam:can't use a have to pack
Katie:Adam am goi g to miss you
Heather:same our gay bestie is leaving g us now what do we do
Adam:use will be fine josh will look after use
Josh:Katie your pretty much my sister and heather😏

Snapchat between Nathan and Chrissy

Nathan:what's up
Chrissy:I need to tell you something
Chrissy:i like Katie
Nathan:fuck off
Chrissy:sorry I know you like her but I really fucking like her

*little did Chrissy know Katie and Nathan. Have been dating for 3 weeks now*

Nathan:stay away from her she's mine
Chrissy:we will see tonight then
Nathan:yeah we will

*back to other dm*

Nathan:am back
Katie:you okay
Heather:so what time we meeting
Nathan:yeah am fine and don't know heather
Katie:I'm a girl I know fine doesn't mean fine
Heather:Nathan nothing gets past her
Nathan:ughh fine message me
Chrissy:don't you dare
Nathan:fuck off chrissy
Josh:wow wow what's going on
Nathan:this dick head
Chrissy:fuck off
Katie:Nathan stop
Chrissy:thanks Katie
Nathan:am done with this
Katie:Nathan please
Nathan :message me
*nathan left the group chat*
Katie:wtf is going on
Josh:I will try sort this tonight


Katie:babe what's wrong❤️
Katie:what's he done ❤️
Babe❤️🌹:he likes you and said he's going to try thing with you tonight and a got angry ❤️
Katie:bubs there's no need to worry I am only yours and no one else's ❤️
Babe❤️🌹:I know that but still he is still going to try❤️
Katie:then if he tries I will walk up to you and kiss you in front of everyone so he knows ❤️
Babe❤️🌹:I love you ❤️
Katie:love you too ❤️

Group chat:

Katie:right meet at the park in 5
Josh:is Nathan coming
Katie:yeah a will get him and meet use
Chrissy:or he can go his self and a can get you 
Josh:Chrissy fuck off
Katie:Chrissy I will pass
Heather:tonight will be eventful

*josh knows about Katie and Nathan no one else does*

At the park*

*katie and Nathan's see Chrissy heather and josh and Katie whispers*

Katie:baby try stay calm
Nathan:I will
Heather:Katie I need to talk to you
Chrissy:looking sexy Katie
Katie:thanks *goes up to Nathan and kisses his cheek two seconds*
Chrissy:you think your funny
Nathan:what she kissed me on the cheek big deal
Chrissy:just you wait I will get her tonight
Nathan:yeah okay

Heather:what going on
Katie:basically me and Nathan are dating and Chrissy fancies me and tried to flirt Nathan got mad left the group chat and now he's about to kill him
Heather:oh shit how long use been dating
Katie:about 3 weeks
Heather:congrats but we should get back

*back with the group*

Chrissy:Katie can I talk to you
Katie:you know what am getting pissed off chrissy am dating Nathan so anything you were going to say isn't relevant now
*nathan looks at her and smirks*
*chrissy goes to hit Nathan but josh grabs him and then Nathan jumps in and Katie is trying to get Nathan of while heather takes josh*
Katie:babe stop *she shouts*
Heather:josh leave it *she shouts *
*katie gets Nathan off and hugs him*
Katie:please calm down
Nathan:I can't
Katie:baby please
Katie:thank you
Nathan:*kisses she kisses back*
Heather:josh calm down
Josh:he's a fucking idiot
Heather:please just calm down he's not worth it
Josh: we should get back who's house
*they get to Katie's*
*they get changed and watch a movie josh cuddling heather and Katie is fixing Nathan's hand because it got cut*

Katie:I told you to leave it
Nathan:He went for me
Katie:I know but you could have walked away
Nathan:are you taking his side
Katie:what no
Nathan:if you want to date him go
Katie:*puts down the badges and walks away*
Josh:what's up
Katie:I am fed up with all this
Heather:what's happened
Katie:he thinks I want to go out with Chrissy
*nathan walk in and heather says*
Heather:Katie come on up the stairs
Katie:*she gets up and looks at Nathan with tears in her eyes and walks away*
*she keeps walking*
Josh:let heather talk to her
Nathan:am such an idiot
Josh:your just angry

*2 hours later*

*katie goes down the stairs with heather and they go straight to the kitchen*

Nathan: I need to talk to her
Josh:okay heather *he shouts*
Nathan:what did she say
Heather:go speak to her
*nathan goes to talk to her*

Nathan:I am really sorry you were just trying to help and I was angry I know you don't like him
Katie: it's okay
Nathan:are we okay
Nathan:*kisses her she kisses back *
Nathan:I love you
Katie:love you to
*they go back in and the watch a movie and fall asleep

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