Chapter 6: Trust me

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Hello beasties! Yes it is you dear author-chan back with another chapter! Now, before we begin, I know that some of you beasties have been wondering when Duke was going to show up in this book, but don't worry! He's definitely in this chapter, along with two OCS that I originally introduced in the first chapter, and some references to a few future OCS...(Oh, and another thing, the chapter starts with a time skip of three days, just enough time for your friend to start getting really worried.....)

Anyway, let's begin.....

Four days ago........

Shanti watched y/n run away from the house, her sobs receding behind her. Shanti was horrified at what she had said to her friend, and now she could probably never take it back, judging by how

What had she done??

She had gotten so caught up in trying to fit in and be more like the popular girls almost every one worshipped instead of just being herself and look where it got her.....

"Finally! That little freak is gone, and now we can go back to our party! "

Shanti whipped around. It was Tiffany who had said it, and she had a evil smile over her perfectly made-up features.

"Come on Shanti, let's go and get back to our party!"  Janet replied, motioning for her to come back in.

When Shanti didn't move, a flicker of something went across Tiffany's face, almost as if she was realizing exactly what was going through Shanti's head at that moment.

"Oh, I get it. You're worried about your poor loser friend, y/n. Well, you're with us now so don't worry about her anymore..."

That did it for Shanti. "Well, she's my friend, which is more than I can say for the two of  you!"

Janet's eyes narrowed. "You better watch yourself, BOLLYWOOD!"

Oh god, not that name again. The horrid nickname she had worked so hard  to erase from people's memories ever since  the day in 6th grade where she was labelled a freak because she wore a full indian sari to picture day.

Rage welled up inside her. "Oh are you going to cry Bollywood?" Tiffany asked mockingly. God, they were making her so angry........

Just then, the porch lights shattered startling the two girls. "What the hell just happened?" Janet asked, looking around terrified. Tiffany  turned and looked at Shanti suddenly seeing the anger written clearly across Shanti's face.

"Y-you did that didn't you? You're some sort of freak aren't you?" She said in a barely audible whisper. When Shanti didn't respond, her eyes grew wide with fear.

She then pretended to compose herself and motioned for Janet to follow her, in a daze.

As the two girls began to walk away, Janet turned her head and glared at Shanti one last time. She mouthed "this isn't over".

Still in a state of shock, Shanti headed over to the garage to get something to clean up the broken glass. She'd have to work quickly before her parents got home and  found out. God, why had she lost control back there? She thought she had her "power" under control..........


"Hey, babe?"

Shanti broke out of her thoughts and turned to Keith, who was waiting for her expectantly.

In all my dreams I drown: Missi x  readerWhere stories live. Discover now