Chapter 1: Trinket

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Hanta had just finished up wiping down the counter top. It was just about time to close shop. After he did a final check of the shop floor, he reached up to his cap, taking it off and went over to the staff room.

He switched off all the lights and went over to where the staff lockers were. He placed his cap into the locker and reached in to find his clothes. That day was particularly busy and hot, so he was quick to pull his uniform shirt up and over his shoulders. The cool air hit his body; it was a relief after a hectic Friday in the mall.

Brushing his fingers over the circular dispenser on the sides of his elbow, he realized how thin the skin seemed there. His uniform was usually a polo shirt since his elbows made it difficult to get into longer sleeved clothing. Children often stared in fascination at his elbows, reaching out to touch them occasionally. Their parents would scold them but he didn't really mind.

There was a thought he juggled as he grabbed his backpack. Nearly everyone from his class was doing some kind of part-time work in the mall. After school, he couldn't sworn he saw Katsuki walking into the sportswear store and donning its uniform only moments later.

He guessed that his peers were looking for some experience, even if they were training to be heroes. Ochako had said something about putting in a bit of "elbow grease" and building work ethic when they were in homeroom roll call but he couldn't quite remember the rest.

Denki had already left ahead of him, but he checked around the place just to make sure neither of them had left anything behind. On his way out of the store, he almost stepped on a thin bracelet lying on the shining tiled floor. He felt he had seen it before, on the wrist of a customer. Maybe even a regular.

The bracelet itself was something he felt compelled to pick up. Without too much thought, he gently picked it up on the tips of his fingers and slipped it into his pocket. Just up ahead he spotted his hyper, talkative blond friend, energetically chatting to a group of girls. Upon spotting Hanta, he called him over. Oh boy, Hanta thought, is he trying to set me up with someone again?

"Hey Hanta, get over here!"

His ecstatic classmate beckoned him over, Hanta scratching his head sheepishly as he greeted them.

"Hi, it looks like Denki has already set the tone.."

The girls giggled, one of them smiling amiably at Hanta.

"We watched both of you at the UA Sports Festival, you were amazing!"

Denki nudged Hanta with his elbow, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Hear that Hanta, we're popular!"

Hanta chuckled nervously "Ah, that's right. That was us. Did you think we were cool?"

Another girl piped up, animated as she insisted "Oh, totally! You guys would be really strong pros."

Hanta was thankful, kind of bashful actually, as he showed his gratitude. He didn't mind talking to girls but he wasn't one for outright flirting like Denki. Still, he had to try his best to keep up with Denki since the guy was always gunning for the hottest catch of the day.

"They wanted to invite us to a mixer Hanta. What time is good for you?"

Denki asked this casually while he flipped out his cellphone to exchange numbers with the girl who seemed to be the leader of the three.

"Uh...sure? Maybe this Sunday, for lunch. We could go for sukiyaki and karaoke afterwards? One of my friends from middle school is working there, maybe he can get us a discount."

Denki was pleased, putting his arm around Hanta's shoulder "Nice, I knew you'd pull through for me! See you on Sunday, girls!"

Denki winked and the girls waved goodbye, heading off in the direction of one of the mall's many exits.

Hanta could finally drop his tense shoulders.

He turned his attention to Denki, letting out a huge breath.

"How the hell do you do that so casually dude?"

"Come on Hanta, we're young heroes! Sure, there's training but we gotta learn to enjoy too! It's not like you have a girlfriend, so the mixer is perfect for you. It's summer vacation man, live it up a little!"

The image of someone quite familiar popped up in his mind then. The face of a regular customer, demure, respectful and extremely polite. She had something that Hanta would describe as quiet and modest beauty. His mind began to make links between the bracelet he picked up earlier and her wrist, which he always saw that bracelet dangling from.

"Hey Denki, what's the name of that regular that orders strawberry froyo with white chocolate stars and always sit in the corner near the aircon?"

"Oh, her? Well, I think it was ______. Why, do you like her?"

"W-what? No, of course I don't. I'm just asking. Look, she dropped her bracelet. I found it and thought it was familiar."

"Oh, that's alright then. Just give it back to her on Monday. That's when she'll be here again."

Denki let his words roll of his tongue lazily, almost dismissively as he stretched.

"Come on Hanta, we're going to Eijirou's to play some video games."

Hanta was taken aback, quite surprised at himself for suddenly feeling defensive about the whole bracelet situation. He felt a sense of relief too, at the fact that Denki dropped the subject quite quickly.

As they made a ways to the Kirishima household, Hanta thought of her again, fiddling with the trinkets of her bracelet in his jeans pocket. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2018 ⏰

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