14 || Code Red

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Bumblebee had more time with Y/n in the garage as Cade went into his trailer. As he walked, he was getting an incoming message from Sherman, the junkyard security guard. He began to alert Mr. Yeager about the danger that was approaching them."Cade, something is coming! That code thingy! I got a good number of vehicles coming this way." He said on the radio.

Y/n is unaware of what's about to happen, but Bumblebee already knows what is coming. The girl heard a military reaper in the sky above the junkyard and it had a clear bird's eye view of the entire yard. The girl stared at the bright blue sky and immediately heard Cade Yeager say it was time to evacuate in less than sixty seconds.

The Autobots, Cade, Izabella, Jimmy, and Y/n gathered up weapons before they could escape from their little base camp. Bumblebee has what he needs in his possession and before he tries to evacuate with his family, he transforms into the bright yellow Camaro he sported and tells his little lady to get in the car. She didn't hesitate to hop in and see the door closed behind her in the passenger seat. Outside Bumblebee's vehicle mode, Izabella kept ranting about how Cade couldn't leave her and Squeeks behind because TRF would take him away.

Y/n rolled down the window. "Leave Sqweeks, Iza! He's a survivor!"

Bee reeved his mean engine and stepped on the gas, kicking up clouds of dust with Autobots Crosshairs and Drift as Decepticons landed in the junkyard. Y/n was able to catch a look at Megatron, who held a Decepticon's head named Starscream.

Hound thought this would be the time to become the hero and fight off Megatron himself but ended up getting blasted. That oversized military Bot somehow survived. Y/n did her best to calm down but she needed help from Bee, so he spoke to her through his radio and said that everything would be okay. "You'll be safe again-- I promise." He said. She took those words to heart and knew for sure, that soon, she would be safe.

TRF transportation flees and drives down roads to chase after the Transformers on their pursuit until Cade stops in the middle of the road at an abandoned town for tactical positions. Bumblebee, Crosshairs, and Drift go into alt-mode and Y/n safely gets out.

"Decepticons are coming." Said Drift, one of his swords in one of his users, ready to defend his Autobot and human family.

Crosshairs walked up beside him and added, "All right we all know we're hiding places."

"What is this?" Drift exclaimed, snatching a small device from Bee's arm and holding it out for them to see better. This little thing blinked a red light, giving them an alarming answer as to what it was.

The green Stingray Corvette realizes what it is. "The tracker brought them right to us!" Crosshairs pushed Bee's shoulder because as an Autobot he should know what kind of technology the military will use to catch these beings. "When are you going to grow up?!"

"Dang it!" His radio exclaimed. Y/n ran from the streets to join up with Cade, Izabella, and Jimmy in the worn-down buildings. She looks over her shoulder to make sure the three Autobots in the street are safe and not disturbed. Bee may be very skilled at fighting enemies, but there are times when Y/n feels very worried for him because there is always a chance he can lose a battle. She just needed to hope for the best.

Since the Autobots and humans are being chased, the bigger Dinobots named Slug and Grimlock do what they can to help the innocent suspects in escaping TRF. The frightening military squad sent out miniature drone-like objects to search for the humans and Autobots. Cade brought the girls and Jimmy into a building to take cover until the Decepticons arrived-- he didn't want to deal with Izabella and Y/n at the moment so he told them, "Both of you, sit down. Stay put." Cade says to both girls. They sat down on a dusty sofa and listened to the commotion outside.

Cade steps outside the building with his advanced gun and waits for the Cons to step foot on the dirt road. Y/n groaned and disobeyed the man's command and joined him in hiding. "Autobots, get ready." Cade said. "Decepticons are in the streets." He noticed Y/n right by him. "What are you doing? Get back inside." He spat quickly.

"I can't let you have all the fun." She said to him.

"No, no, no. Go back in there." He pointed to the door.

"My family is dead and now I'm going to defend this one, you got it, Yeager?" Y/n told him firmly. Cade rolled his eyes and let her stay beside him. He didn't feel like arguing with a girl that is just a little younger than his own daughter. Both humans look out on the street and see the Decepticons encounter Izabella's Autobot, Sqweeks.

"Look at that little blue beetle-lookin' mofo!" One of the Cons named Mohawk called out. "What an ugly lil' dude!"

Y/n felt that Izabella wasn't going to listen either and hear about Sqweeks. She could not do anything but watch Metatron pick him up and examine him. "You're covered in their stench!" He exclaimed to Sqweeks, his voice low and raspy.

"Hey!" Iza yelled.

Y/n knew something would pop up like this. She growls when the Hispanic girl chose to go out and expose herself to the robot demons. Y/n is about ready to slap the girl upside the head for making a stupid move like this. No one in their right mind would step out there and walk up to the Decepticons! "Iza, get back here!" The girl yelled somewhat quietly.

"Put him down!" Iza marched up to them aggressively. "You think I'm afraid of you cabrón?!"

The smallest Con, Mohawk thought it would be amusing to make fun of the two braids she had styled in her hair. "Look at that girl with her cute little pigtails like she's all badass!" He pointed.

"Go to hell!" Iza barked at him.

Now, Y/n wanted to grab Izabella so badly and tell her how dumb she was being. She is going to get everyone killed. "They are gonna sit on you, damn it!" Y/n said as if Izabella could hear her.

The talisman Y/n carried in her back pocket crawled out and made its way up to her right arm. It suddenly latched onto her limb and nearly caused her to cry out. If she were to react more than she did, then Megatron would take no hesitation and attack his Decepticon companions. But before he can make that choice, he speaks out. "Cade, give me the talisman!" Megatron shouted.

Yeager doesn't reveal Y/n and the talisman for her safety. He fires a shot from his gun to hit Megatron and allows Izabella to run. Y/n immediately saw Bumblebee and the other Autobots attack the Decepticons. She felt safe when he came to her rescue again. Now she and Cade go after Izabella so they all can be away from the fights to Bots and Cons had together.

Cade quickly scolded Izabella while he ran with Y/n. "We don't do this kamikaze sh*t! You wanna go out there and start screaming at a Decepticon?!" He bellowed at her in disbelief.

"Get those vile beings!" Megatron roared, pointing one of his alien-like firearms at the fleshlings.

"On it!" One of the Cons growled, beginning to search for the humans hiding in the town.

Grimlock, the Autobot Tyrannosaur came to assist the Bots and it gladly helped the three humans slip from the short battle. Autobots, Crosshairs, and Drift take good care of Megatron's Decepticon named Onslaught by decapitating his freakishly large head. The leader of the opposing bots sees he is going to be outnumbered soon since a few of his Cons have been killed by his enemies. "Decepticons! Retreat!" He whined, rocketing into the sky with his remaining team members, leaving the humans starstruck by their encounter.

"Bee!" Y/n howled for him. "Where are you?!"

🄷🄸🅂 🄿🅄🅁🄴 🄶🄾🄻🄳 (Tʀᴀɴsғᴏʀᴍᴇʀs: Tʜᴇ Lᴀsᴛ Kɴɪɢʜᴛ) ❪✓❫ Where stories live. Discover now