CH1 First Day of PHD

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Aphmau pov

"Uuuuhhhhhgggg why must school be a thing" I whine as I hear my mom "MIJHA ARE YOU UP" "YES MOM" I yell I get ready.

Time Skip: after she gets ready

Be for I go downstairs I grab my bandana before I go down being an Ultima and all.

"Hi, mom and dad," I say to them. not like my dad will care all he cares about is work unlike mom who is more of a parent to me and she's not even a werewolf. I could kill her with a look of eyes if they went red.

"Hi, might hope you have a nice day at school and make great friends I don't care what your father says you make friends." My mom says and smiles. I smile back and nod. "Ok mom"

Time skip school/prison where I am right now irl

Ok aph you are at phd were you WILL make friends and maybe something more. While I was thinking to my self I accendently bump into someone.

"GAH IM SOOO SORRY" "watch where you're going you short *mumbles: stupid* potato" the stranger yelled at meh. what is his problem. I turn around and walk away he doses the same.

uuhhhgg who does that guy think he is I may be the omega but he's a human so what would it mean to him. well, anyways this is a new school a new school so that means new friends. while I was walking around some werewolves came up to me. oh no.

"Oh look what the wolf dragged in a pathetic omega," Jax said to me. I'm used to this tho in my other school an all werewolf school I was the omega. "what do you want to beat me up I don't care to do what you want I'm used to this I don't care do what you want to me " I say plainly to him. he looks at me with devilish smile until that guy from earlier came in front of me.

" leave her alone" " why do you care you petty human this is a werewolf matter stay outta it," Jax said to the stranger. why is he doing this he is human this is a werewolf matter. " why are you doing this I can handle this my self-thankyou" I growl at him. "oh really cuz to me it looks like your about to get you but kicked". imma bout to punch him right in his face.

as Jax was about to fight the human I came in "leave the human outta this. this is my fight" I growl at Jax and look at human "run now".

"fine I'll go," the stranger said. finally, he's gone now I can get this over with. I punch him in the face. " OH, YOU LITTLE..".

"YOU TO STOP GET TO CLASS NOW" the me'fwa teacher miss claws yelled at us. that damm me'fwa. "yes miss cat" we both say with our ears down. ms. cat may be a me'fwa but she is one scary one from the looks of it.

time skip: aphs first class THE EVILE MATHS


"Today we have a new student aphmau she is a werewolf aphmau please sit by Katelyn and kawaii-chan" Mr josh said

I sit down "hi my names Katelyn" the blue-haired girl introduced her self to me I smile and "my names ahpmau but you can call me aph" I smile at her and then I look at the me'fwa girl she looks scared.

"Hi my names aphmau but you can call me aph" u smile at her she looks hesitant but smiles "kawaii-chan's name is kawaii-chan it's nice to meet you aphmau-sempai". She said

As class was going through I got to know my now BEST FRIENDS.

Time skip lunch

While u was heading down to lunch I ran into that boy again this time I decided to introduce myself.

"We haven't introduced our selves yet have we" u smile "yea I guess not well my name us Aaron Lycan" hm Aaron that's a cute.. WAIT WHAT AM I FALLING FOR HIM I CANT HES A HUMAN I COULD HURT HUM I CANT AVE FEELINGS LIKE THAT FOR A HUMAN. 

"My name is aphmau I am the werewolf omega here" I smile at him he looks worried at first but then smiles "are you going to be ok being the omega," he asks worry. Why does he care?

"Why do you care if I'm the  omega" I ask him he looks at me and smiles "cuz you are my very first friend most people don't wanna be my friend because I get into fights that I don't start" I look at him and smile "I'm happy to be your first friend" he smiles back at me we held hands I noticed and blushed *0///0* I can't be falling for him... can I

"Hey Aaron want to eat lunch outside," I ask him "sure aph" he smiles we go outside and eat my tail sway's in enjoyment from being outside. I always loved the outside it was always calming.

Aaron's pov (Oh wow a new pov finally I hope ya guys are enjoying ^_^)

She is so cute... WAIT WHAT DID I JUST SAY. But she is her ears and tail are cute too. To bad that werewolf and human relationships don't usually stay in tack. And my father would bring LA CHACLA to her face if he would find out about her oh well.

"Hey um aph I know this is a weird question... could u touch your ears the look so ok fluffy >//////<," I asked really quick. She looked at me surprised at first but then smiled. "Sure Aaron just be careful it hurts if you touch too hard" EEEEEHHKKKK YASS I ALWAYS WANTED TO TOUCH WEREWOLF EARS. "Thx aph soo much". "Its no biggie Aaron" she smiles. Right as I was about to touch her ears some werewolves came up to us. I look at aph she looks mad and growls at the one In the middle.

Aphmaus pov

Great Jax rider AND boldof are here boldoff being the alpha.

"What do you guys want," I say annoyed. "Oh just letting the omega know their place" I was about tired of alphas shit. "Alpha I challenge you" he looks at me surprised and then smirks "Ok the meet me on the track 11:00 sharp tomorrow don't be late" well things are gonna change soon he won't be in charge that gives some relief to Dottie Rylan and Daniel some friends u made in s.s. they were bullied by some werewolves that were told to by boldoff.

"Aph are you gonna be alright your going against the strongest werewolf in the school" Aaron looks at me worriedly.

"Its gonna be alright he might've been the strongest last year but I wasn't here so he doesn't know my strengths and weakness and I'm pretty strong" I reassure him he looks happier knowing that.

"We should get ready the bells about to ring"I look at my schedule to see that I have werewolf class greeeeat not even the teacher likes me. hopefully ms. cat comes in that would be great.

" Today we have a new student that would happen to be the omega sit by ein and Aaron" mister gaben (is that the name of the werewolf teacher) "my name is aphmau I am the omega but that will change cuz tomorrow I am challenging boldof" I smile some werewolves laugh some cheered. 

I go sit down by ein and Aaron. why is Aaron in here. he isn't a werewolf is he. "Aaron why are you in here your not a werewolf." I ask him "I don't know the schedule must have got my class wrong im a human, not a werewolf" hmm ok then. 

the class was going on the teacher kept asking me to do things because im the omega. a lot of werewolves were giving me mean looks. I couldn't wait till class was over Aaron was confused with everything happen in the class since he wasn't a werewolf and all so it would make sense.

time skip end of school. 

YAAASS i am outta prison/school. nice but I have to walk 3 miles home oh well I can enjoy it. as I was walking home I noticed Aaron was heading the same way as me. "HEY AARON" I smile he looks at me and smiles. I run up to him. "hi aph" 

"want to walk home together" he ask me he blushes a little. "sure" I smile and we started walking home. when we got to my house we said our goodbyes and he went home.

"Hello, mijha was that a boy I saw you talking to if it was I will bring la chacla to his face LA CHACLA I TELL YOU" my mom was screaming. I can't tell her or she would flip "no mom just a new friend I made today Katelyn," I say she looks at me happy " oh I know her dad Eric we were in high school together." she smiles I smile back at her and then go in my room. 

AN: hi this is the first chapter I hope you like it it's much longer than my other chapters on a dragon in shinging light. but I worked on this chapter on a Chromebook at school and a little on phone so updates on here should be much faster I hope you like and enjoy this I will be working on the second chapter after this by and I hope you enjoyed.

word count: 1620

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