Day 1: July 17th, 2018

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Day one of this journal challenge I made randomly in the last hour during my morning walk. This feels like it'll take a lot of time to do and complete but that's all a part of the challenge. However this will help me to get into a habit of writing every day and that's a good thing because I need it for my novels in progress that I plan to publish.

Apart from it being the opening day of the challenge I've been in a place where things feel hopeless and not worth it. That's been fading quick over the past two to three days. I believe it's partly due to waiting for a package that ended up coming late, that was yesterday. That package was five full days late. But I will say the excitement I had for the book I ordered made me happy. The book however isn't printed in English, it's printed in Russian. The book is the first of the Harry Potter set.

You may be wondering: Why is she learning Russian and not any other language out there? This brings me back to the topic of the novels with the plan of being published. There's more than one novel I am working on as well as stories here on Wattpad. The novel is called: The Great Smoothini. This story is about a man named Flick that loses his job after a fight with a co-worker. From that moment he pursues a carrier of being a famous magician that lives in Moscow Russia. I eventually want to have this book translated in Russian and do the whole book on my own for the most part. That takes the skill in knowing the Russian language and the ins and outs of it. Plus I thought it would be fun to learn something new.

Here's a quick question about The Great Smoothini: Would you guys want me to post it here on Wattpad? Answer in the comments.

This morning during my morning walk however my motivation took off like a rocket and thus this challenge was born! The reasoning to this boost is the fact I was thinking on dreams I have had at night. I'm finding the meanings behind each dream and that's quite the motivator. Last night I had a dream and it was clearly based on teamwork. I'm thinking of posting them as short stories on Wattpad for that as well, if you're interested comment below. This isn't my only dream I have had as there's plenty more where it came from with a range of different meanings.

Another point of the past few days is the fact I have made a base for a weekly and daily to do lists, I love listing if you didn't know that. I know this plan didn't strike gold in the first shot and rewrote this at least three times. The list used to include a little bit of everything that I needed to do but it started to stress me out as I never would fully finish the list and that's a real motivation dropper.

With a little bit of testing I spread these few important things like my novel and learning Russian throughout the week but left the option to do more if I wanted to. I find that this'll work as long as I keep on it, this is what the list consists of: Dailies, projects and an extra per day that cannot be done daily. All the following I have made mandatory upon what days they are. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays I do writing. Tuesdays and Thursdays I do Russian practice. The weekends I leave open as free choice days, extra project days and the days I crack down on some animations. Not a bad list however and the extras are things like doing laundry or deep cleaning areas I live in and use.

But here I am writing this entry and catching up for the day as I woke later than I normally would at around nine in the morning. The morning went by slowly but I forgot to plug my phone in so that made things feel slower than they already were. I feel it's been going okay so far and amazing when the walk was as motivated as it was as I was also helping a friend with some issues she's been having. That friend and I are writing partners. You know who you are.

Other than that I don't have anything going on other than later today I will be working on some Russian reading from my Harry Potter book and see if I can read and process the first few lines in the first chapter. I'm hoping to learn and memorize things as I move along because boy is learning another language a pain in the ass sometimes. It'll take years to do but it'll be worth it. And the thought of confusing people sounds super fun. I'm such a joker and I love it.

Okay I added the image above since I had drawn it earlier today. It's Flick but as a cat. Yes, I know the suits are off but that's how he rolls.

I went on a run today and made myself a meal with one of the pre-made packages that contained a Mexican type rice. I actually cooked something on the stove for once and not in the microwave. I ate half of the bowl before the run and the rest a couple hours before the evening troubles. The run I did using an app shown to me called Zombies Run 5k. If you want to get moving and listen to a story then this is the application to check out as they have more than the one app. It guides you through the routines but you forget that you are exercising sometimes with it. However one of the voices of a character scared me as it came out of the blue. It's a neat story in all honesty but keep in mind you have to pay to unlock past a certain point. That's only 3.99 for the 5k version and all the courses. Eight week training for running a 5k.

However tonight went down the hell hole and I was quite upset. I yelled at my mom, threatened to not come home as I went on a walk hoping I would be better by the time I came back, it didn't do much. But sure glad that's over now. On a brighter note of the situation I did manage to punch out the rest of this entry and calm down by siblings and their friends about the Harry Potter book. It does feel better that I vented at my mom surprisingly.

Partly why my mood crashed is to the fact my sister's dog named Blue dragged the bag I was using to store my book and flash cards in all the way outside. That pissed me off as she somehow did the same type of thing but with a full bottle of Mountain Dew. At least it didn't have chew marks or anything on it.

The highlight of my day has to be the walk I had this morning. Nice walk as said and kept me moving.

The down part of my day is this evening when I lost control of myself.

Over all today felt pretty white and black. White being good and black being bad.

My goal for tomorrow is to get through the day without issue and to take it easy so I don't fall down this hole again.

Until tomorrow night, I will see you all later!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2018 ⏰

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