Before the reset

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"DUNI THIS IS SO STUPID!" Yelled the white haired girl. She yelled as she looked over the table, dead into the eyes of a dark furred pug. These two had been arguing for the past hour. "OH SHUT UP DASHLIE! I promise this will go well"
"BUT NOTHING! Now go get ready they'll be here soon."
Dashlie  stood up form her chair and stormed out of the room, cursing Duni as she left. "Geez what's her problem?" Mumbled a deep voice. "Looks like its someone's time of the month" laughed another voice. "DonDon, Dres. I thought I told you two to get prepared" Duni barked "I'm really not wanting any of you to screw this up for me." He looked at them. Trying to keep his temper. "Yeah we are prepared, we have been for the past hour while you and Dashlie have been arguing with each other over how you're doing this whole thing for your stupid boyfriend." Dres said before smirking and turning away. "Yeah, and what have you been doing this whole time Duni? Sitting back and watching us do all the work? Or have you actually lifted a bone in your body and helped?" Don frowned. Duni was at a loss for words, he didn't know what to say back to the jester. "I- um... Shut it Don, now go." Don scowled then walked out of the room followed by Dick. "Now I'm going to go for a nap, Ddawn?" "Vhat do you want?" Came a voice from another room. "Wake me when Uni gets here"


A Grey furred pug stood. Glaring into the eyes of Duni. "Well, well, well... what do we have here? Haha just kidding I know." He laughed. "You know that we're here to kill you?" The Grey pug asked. "What no! Why would you do that Uni? I meant, I know that you and I are going to reset the world together. Create are own happily ever after, just us and no one else to be in our way. So step forward and join me Uni" Duni smiled, a terrifying smile indeed. "I'm not joining you" Uni said. "We've killed your friends, DonDon, Ddawn, Dres, Dashie, you have nothing left, just give up and you might stand a chance." "If your not going to join me then why did you hand me the ruins?"
Uni looked down to see that Duni was right, he had handed him the ruins. His reflexes kicked in and he grabbed the ruin and him and Duni pulled it back and forth until it started to glow.




Hey its been a while
So this is a story I've had in mind for a while, but haven't really started. But I'm gonna try and update this as much as I can.

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