New Girl's First Day

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Angela stands on the sidewalk, staring up at the giant building. The high school is three stories tall and each floor is the size of a large Target. The main floor's walls are almost completely glass. The rest of the building is made of smooth white concrete, with windows here and there.

She had her backpack in her hand, held by a strap. Her golden hair was in a perfect ponytail and her bright blue eyes shown with excitement. Today was her first day.

She moved to the city a few days ago. Although she already missed her friends, she was excited to meet everyone, but a little nervous no one else would want to talk to her. This was her Junior year. By now, everyone had all of the friends they needed and weren't looking for any more 'recruits'. She sighed and started to walk toward the door.

"Alright, a fresh start."

the door opened inside from a press of a button. The place was huge. The attendance and main office were on opposite ends of the hallway. The hall opened up and split to the left and right. A staircase, which split
up and separated into two after a few steps was facing the door. To the right of the offices were the fitness rooms and gym, and the lunch room. To the left was a library, some labs and class rooms, and the auditorium.

She spun around and around, looking down the corridors and up the stairs. Angela had no idea where to go or what to do. She was in such a trance from the big building she didn't even realize someone walking toward her.

Jack ran right into the unknown woman. She fell to the ground. Her backpack hit the floor and water bottle spilled all of its contents. He looked down as the woman blew her hair from her face and stared up at him.

"Hey!" She had gorgeous blue eyes and goddess like hair. Jack extended out his hand.

"Sorry! I didn't see you!" Angela didn't bother listening. No one ever saw her. At her old school, she was so invisible people would accidentally sit on her at lunch. Jack on the other hand, he was the most popular kid at his school. The Quarterback for the football team.

Angela grabbed his hand and got up. She dusted herself off as she groaned, realizing the puddle on the floor.

"It's fine. Next time, just watch where you're going." Jack was mesmerized by her. Usually, people are bowing their heads whenever he walked by, but she seemed to not care.

"I will. Are you new here? I've never seen you around." He asked her, awaiting a response. She looked like a serious person, but still pretty quirky.

"Y-yes, this is my first day. Do you have any idea where I'm supposed to go?" She fixed her ponytail as she gave him her schedule. Jack recognized some of the teacher's names from his Junior year. She was an all honors student, based on the teachers. Jack was never that intelligent, he spent most if his time on the football field.

"Ah, a Junior. Well, good luck with that. Junior year is the worst. I'm a Senior so I have it pretty easy this yea-"

"Ah em." He stopped talking realizing he was rambling on. Angela just wanted to get to class. She has never been late, and especially didn't want to start on her first day.

"Oh yeah, sorry. Go up to the third floor. That's the floor for 11th and 12th grade. The honors hall is right past the lockers to the left. Good luck!" Angela took her paper back and thanked Jack, running up the stairs. Jack ran out to the fitness room, he had to meet his team.

Angela walked through the bustling
halls to her locker. It took her a while to find, but she managed. She threw her backpack in and grabbed her perfectly organized binder. She walked in to her first class, calculus.

the room was filled with bustling students, who all went silent and looked up at her when she entered. Her face turned red and she ran to the desk farthest in the back.

"Ah, welcome." The teacher said with a delighted voice. "You must be my new student. Stand up, dear." Angela stood from her seat, her face crimson. "Everyone, meet your new student. Tell them your name dear."

She looked around at her classmates. All of them were just staring at her confused. A few of them, a short girl with a bun and glasses, a big, burly man wearing glasses, and a woman with long black hair and a metal arm, looked at her with a gleam in their eyes.

"Hello. I'm Angela Ziegler." She sat back down awkwardly and buried herself in her hands. She was so embarrassed she didn't even listen to the teacher.

The bell rang, signaling it's time for their next class. Mei stood up and walked toward Winston.

"Winston! Before you leave, can I talk to you?" Satya still hadn't left. She was too into her book she read the whole time instead of paying attention. Winston adjusted his glasses and looked down at the shorter girl.

"Sure, Mei, what about?" Mei straightened herself out and walked Winston over to Satya so the three of them could talk.

"That Angela girl. It's her first day." Satya already knew were the conversation was going, but Winston was still confused. He was very smart, but had no common sense.

"What about her?" Satya rolled her eyes at Winston's remarks and told him.

"Mei wants us to ask if she would eat lunch with us. I'm sure Lena would love to meet someone new, but Ana would be very suspicious about her, you know." Satya leaned back into her chair and began reading again. Mei was frustrated, like always, with her so she just finished up their huddle.

"I'm sure Ana would be fine." She turned away from the group and looked at an Angela struggling to hold everything in her hands. "Hey Angela! Would like to eat lunch with us?" Angela was surprised by the words. no one ever wanted to do anything with her.

"Uh, Sure!"

"Great! meet us at the round table against the wall." Angela watched as Mei walked over and placed Angela's pencil box perfectly on top on everything she was carrying.

"There you go. See you later!"


Thanks for reading my first chapter! If you can't tell, this book is from everyone's point of view. More characters will come as the book goes on. This is just the beginning. If you like this book, I wrote another Overwatch fanfic called My Guardian Angel, which will probably be finished by the time I release this. Alright, luv ya <3

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