Part 1

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I looked at the afternoon sky. It had the most soothing colors to look at mixed together. The sun was going down slowly and the moon was rising. After awhile of staring at the sunset I got up from the bench I was sitting comfortably on and started walking through the brightly white colored snow towards my apartment.

I could hear the snow crunching under my feet,I enjoyed every second of that walk, the noises the snow made,birds flying across the sky trying to get to the places they have to be,people speaking to each other from the distance and the street lights flickering a bit. Before I knew it,I was in front of my apartments door.

I pulled out my keys from my pocket and unlocked the door. I opened the door making a creaking noise exposing me to the darkness of the room.

Once I stepped inside my cozy living room I locked the door once more so no one could get in then I took off my forest green jacket and hung it on the hanging rack next to the door. I then walked towards the brightly lit TV screen and turned it off. My eyes then proceeded to land on the couch,I then see my roommate Craig, peacefully sleeping.

I sigh and put all the dirty dishes from the coffee table into the sink and wash them only able to listen to the water out of the faucet splashing onto the plates and mugs. Finally I was done cleaning the silverware and put them away to let them dry, then walked towards the doorway to the kitchen and turned the lights off and exited the room.

I quietly walked up the spiral staircase holding onto the railing tightly, quickly losing my grip making it to the 2nd floor that only holds our rooms. A door on each side with our bedrooms inside of them. Personally I never get to go inside of Craig's room due to it being half of the time locked. Even his best friend Clyde,is not allowed in there. All I know is that he has a cage with a guinea pig in there. And in the 3 amounts of times I ended up in there,the guinea pig was dressed up. But that's besides the point my room is pretty dull and the only color I'm a fan of is green so my room is covered in it.

I open my door to see my rooms light is on. I place my phone on the nightstand and walk towards my drawer. I look through it and change into something comfortable to sleep in then proceed to walk to the bathroom in my room and look into the mirror, I saw a hideous sight. I quickly grab my toothbrush and squirted toothpaste on it and brushed my teeth then I set it down washed my face and quickly left the bathroom turning the lights off.

I turned the lights off and walked to my bed making a creaking sound each step. I stood in front of my bed staring at the big window in front of it,shining the moons light through it,onto my bedroom floor. I climbed onto it and sat up,resting my back on the soft pillows. I reached for my phone on my nightstand and turned it on. I hadn't checked it since I got back. The brightness of the small screen hit my eyes and read 11:36. There was also 5 text messages from..Craig and there was 4 missed calls from...Craig..again.

He never seems to care about me or really anything. He just cares about himself I guess,and probably thought he couldn't pay rent without me. That's probably it,no one really cares about me besides my parents,I have friends but I'm not that close to them.

I didn't check the messages. I turned my phone off and set it back on the nightstand and connected the charger to let it charge all night. It was low on battery with only 11% remaining. I laid down on my bed and rolled over to face the window with the pretty night sky on the other side. I was falling asleep when...I heard my bedroom door creak open slightly..I froze..

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