Don't Look At The Moon

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One night, I was watching television, just the same program every week. It was relatively boring that night. More than usual, anyway. I sighed, and turned off the television after the program was over, and picked up my phone that was sitting beside me on the couch. It was just the usual, checking my notifications, when suddenly, I received a text message. More than a text message, but an alert. It's only message was:


In all caps, in bold, and italics. It was a relatively weird warning, but it scared me, causing hives to form on my skin and shivers to pass through for a second. It prompted me to drop my phone back on my couch, close my eyes and rush over to the curtains covering windows where the moonlight was coming in, and close them. Each and every one of them. I sighed of relief, and walked back to the living room, and my phone was close to falling on the hardwood floor. Quickly, I scooped it up, and found that it had been vibrating with dozens of notifications. I opened up said notifications, and what I found surprised me.

"It's such a beautiful night tonight," one said.

"The moon is beautiful!" another exclaimed.

"Won't you look at it?" yet another asked of me, innocently.

I was so confused, as I stared at the millions of messages asking for me to look at the moon. But that one message stood out among them all. "DON'T LOOK AT THE MOON." So I steeled myself, taking a deep breath.

And didn't.

I wasn't going to chance looking at the moon. No matter how beautiful it was. Whatever was out there, it was something bad, and I wasn't going to chance it. I sat back on the couch, but the temptation to look out was still there, as I kept glancing at the curtains. I was eager to see what had everyone so happy about it when there was a giant warning saying not to look at it, but that giant warning was what made me so scared.

What if something was out there?

What if there was a monster that came only when people looked at the moon?

But I was getting paranoid. People wouldn't be messaging me to look at the moon if they had encountered the monster. I took another deep breath, sitting down on the couch, staring at my phone. The only thing that kept me company on these lonesome nights. And lonesome days. But that was beside the point. The point was, what was with the moon that made people want to look at it? and, furthermore, what was with it that made officials say not to look at it?

I was curious, and curiosity often killed. So I resisted once more.

But then.. one message came up. From my long time friend. He told me to look at the moon. And there was the blaring messages once again, telling me to look at it. And so...

I got up, and answered the calls. I wanted to satisfy my curiosity. I wanted to see why the moon was so creepy and yet so great. I opened the curtains, slowly, and looked at the moon.

Gigantic it was, I couldn't believe it. This was what they didn't want us to see? It was more like a miracle. But then.. I realized it was getting closer. I licked my lips out of fear and anxiety. What could that possibly be? why was it getting closer? were these people so steadfast about the moon looking amazing that they didn't notice it was getting closer?

A massive concern though it was, I could do nothing about it. So I closed the blinds, and regarded the warning once again. I understood now. It was to keep people from becoming afraid. But they were not afraid. Something was wrong...

Alternate Ending

I got up, and answered the calls. I wanted to satisfy my curiosity. I wanted to see why the moon was so creepy and yet so great. I opened the curtains, slowly, and looked at the moon. I could barely behold its beauty, before I blacked out all of a sudden. Everything just went black...

When I woke up, all I could think about was the moon and how great it was, and my phone was lying by my side. I picked it up, and began sending random people who may not have seen it, to see the moon. Disregarding the warning, I texted people, messaged people, voice called. Anything. Because...

It was a beautiful moon.

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