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Gladion eyed his phone, that was currently being held in sweaty palms. He wondered if one more text would hurt or not. It was 3:30 pm, and the calming ocean breeze wouldn't fix how anxiously he was waiting.

Then, he saw Hau.

Well, Hau was running. Gladion could recognize the forest green hair from any angle, even in the somewhat blurry state he witnessed him in now.

"I'm so sorry... I'm late.." Hau apologized in between the breaths he was depratley trying to catch, "I had to help out Hala out, you know?"

Gladion simply nodded, even though he truly didn't know. But the thing he decided to question was when he noticed Hau still spotting the same floral patterend shorts and black t-shirt. 'Why didn't he dress up?'

Hau looked Gladion up and down. Instead of usual attire, Gladion wore a red t-shirt and purposely torn blue jeans. Hau sighed.

"I'm so sorry Gladion! I really wanted to dress up but then I woke up late, and got forced to help Hala, and!" Gladion shushed him.

"Look at me." Gladion ordered, as Hau's bright green eyes met with Gladion's Emerald colored ones, "It's alright, Hau. Don't get overly worked up for no reason."

All Gladion got from Hau was a mumbled, "Okay.." as they made their way to the destination of their first date.

It wasn't really a date, just a get together of sorts. With only them. They both mentally called it a date, but never spoke the word 'date' to one another.

Gladion opened the large wooden door, and was immediately met with the smell of sweets. Melemele island's own Malasada shop. There's much more than just one on the island, but this one was special. It was Hau's favorite. Gladion continued to hold the door open, until Hau held the door and jokingly said, "Ladies first!"  Which was meet with a dirty look from Gladion. He was only used to the grunts saying something so meaninglessly stupid.

"Men only say ladies first to get a look at their ass." Gladion retaliatied, gaining a flustered blush from Hau. Gladion walked in and took a seat at a table meant for two.

Hau trailed in behind Gladion like a lost puppy, his face still tinted pink from the comment earlier. Hau took his seat across from gladion.

"How can I help you two boys today?" One of the watrisses asked them, pen pad in hand, prepared to write whatever they dish out.

"Can you get us two sweet Malasadas to go, please?" Hau politely asked. The watriess nooded her head and made her way back to the kitchen.

"Why are we getting them to go..?" Gladion asked, with questioning eyes.

"Because." Hau stated, like he was telling this to Gladion for the third time," I don't want to waste all of our time here. We're going sight-seeing."

'Sight seeing?'

Gladion wondered. They're not tourists, they've both lived in Alola their whole lives. The  grin that plastered itself onto Hau's face pushes the fact that he has more he wants to do more then just simple 'sight seeing'. But, Gladion would have to wait and find out.

"Here's your food boys, and have a nice day!" The watriess waved them goodbye as Hau grabbed their food, and Gladion broke out of his train of thought.

"Aaaand we're off!" Hau bit into his Malasada, slammed a tip for the waitress down on the table, and took off for the exit.

"Wait for me!" Gladion sort of yelled, jumping out of his chair to chase down his friend.

It was around sunset. The two boys walked the shoreline barefoot, holding shoes and socks in hand.

"Moon says you look like a dork." Hau said while giggling. Gladion shot him an angry glare. Hau had put photos of them all over his social media, which wasn't highly appreciated by  Gladion.

"Why do you ave your phone out anyways, Hau? I though you came to hang out with me today, not your phone." The attention Hau focused on his phone and not Gladion wasn't highly appreciated, either.

"O-oh! Sorry Gladion! I just wanted a few photos of us is all." Hau apologized.

"Photos... why?" Gladion asked. His idea of photos were all of the forced family ones, the ones where he looks like a doll.

"To remember the moment by, silly!" Hau told Gladion,"Did you want to see them? I kind a forgot to show you, sorry." Hau pulled out his phone and began to pull up the photos.

Most of the photos were of Gladion neglecting to pay attention. Him staring out the window, or eating food. Others were of Hau, with Gladion doing something in the background. They looked real, though. There wasn't any obnoxious posing or prepared outfits. These photos were caught right up in the moment.

After a bit of scilence, Gladion spoke,"They look nice, Hau."

"You think so?"

"Well I'm not going to lie to you, am I?" Gladion couldn't figure out why Hau wouldn't just accept the compliment.

"Then I'm not going to lie to you, either." Hau crossed his arms, putting his phone away and turning to Gladion. Hau crossed his arms and attempted to look serious.

"Do you want to know the real reason I was late?" Hau asked Gladion. The real reason? Gladion thought Hau was speaking the truth, but assisting Hala was just a liable excuse.

"I wasn't helping Hala, he wasn't letting me go out. I had to completely change clothes and convince him I was going out to train." Hau sighed. This created soo many questions.

Gladion stoped walking completely at this point.

"Why did you have to convince him? What's  the reason then?" He asked.

"Hala knows, okay?" Hau spoke, upset Gladion couldn't just get the message through his head.

"Knows about what?" Gladion asked.

Hau sighed." About my feelings for you, okay?!  He's just one of those old farts who believes marriage should be between a man and a woman and-"

"Oh." Gladion Gladion said, loudly interrupting,"Sorry, I didn't know that was what's happening." Gladion stated, surprisingly simpithetic.

"I didn't have the guts to ask you on an actual date. Malasaddas was simple."

"I think I would have preferred it better if it was a date, actually." Gladion confessed.

They both looked at each other and continued walking down the shoreline hand in hand.

"Yeah, me too."

One Day Together(Haudion/Cutebonesshipping) Where stories live. Discover now