Chapter 1

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Thanks orizaya-  for helping find a tittle for this fanfic I really appreciate it thank you and now to the story

Third person p.o.v
A yellow head (A/n:plz correct me if that's wrong) wakes up in the morning to the sound of a alarm clock going off

Kise's p.o.v


I wake up to the sounded of my alarm clock I shut it off then got up to get ready for another day I got up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, take a shower, and then do my hair once I was finish with that I went back into my room to get changed I wore a red shirt, a black jacket (A/n plz tell me if that's a jacket or not) with some gray pants (A/n I'm not sure if those are pants or not and I'm not sure if there gray) with some sneakers

I wake up to the sounded of my alarm clock I shut it off then got up to get ready for another day I got up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, take a shower, and then do my hair once I was finish with that I went back into my room to get c...

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( the picture above is what Kise is wearing)

And then I I head out to go to work my modeling job

End of Kise's p.o.v
Kuroko p.o.v


I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock I get up and get ready for my new job as a model I'm also a idol, and pianist to. I head to the bathroom I brush my teeth, then hop in the shower, then I did my hair I got changed I'm wearing a white shirt with some plaid on it, and a plaid skirt with black knee high socks, and a pair of sneakers

 I head to the bathroom I brush my teeth, then hop in the shower, then I did my hair I got changed I'm wearing a white shirt with some plaid on it, and a plaid skirt with black knee high socks, and a pair of sneakers

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( this is what Kuroko's wearing)

Then I headed out so I'm not late for my new job.

End of Kuroko's p.o.v
Third person p.o.v

Two complete strangers are walking to their modeling job but they don't know that this day won't be normal.

Kise's p.o.v

I arrived at my modeling job I walk in the building head to the place where they take pictures standing there was my manager "Hey Kise we have a new model today she should be here any minute now" my manger said "Yeah we have a new model I wonder how she's like~ssu" I say then we heard the door open I look that way to see if it's was the new model but no one was there "Mangercchi (A/n I'm not sure what Kise's call his manger) no one's there~ssu" I say "Hello" someone said I turn around and she a girl with a expressionless face and blue hair "Ahhhh" I screamed then she said "Sorry if I scared you" she had a sweet angelic voice "I'm Kuroko Tetsumi nice to meet you" she said " I'm Kise Ryouta nice to meet you Kurokocchi". "Cchi?" She said "Oh I add cchi to the people I rrspect" I said "Oh".

Kuroko's p.o.v

I walk in where I'm was told to go when I walked in a yellow head said " Mangercchi no one's there~ssu" then I said "hello" for the can notice my presence the yellow head turns around and looks at me then screams "AHHHHH" I must have scared him then I said "sorry if I scared you" then I said "I'm Kuroko Tetsumi nice to meet you" then he said "I'm Kise Ryouta nice to meet you Kurokocchi" "cchi?" I said then he said "Oh I add cchi to the people I respect" 'oh so he respects me' I thought "oh" I said

So what do you think so far I hope it's good and sorry for the spelling and grammar mistakes and sorry if it's short most likely most of them are going to be short I'll try to make them longer bye see you next chapter and plz check out my other fanfic KNB on ice

Word count: 633

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