chapter 1

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Hi im Summer im not no ordanary girl i grew up with guns and killing eventually i went on runs with my dads club called Deadly Reaper.

my father has been the president since he starrted up the club since he married my mother, my father met my mother in high school they been high school sweethearts every since then  they got married after she became his old lady.

then a couple years later they found out they were pregnant with my oldest brother.

my hole life i grew up around boys and the club the only girls were my mother and i.

My father loves his club more then anything in his life the only thing he loves more then the club is his family, my father is very protective when it comes to my brothers and i.

when i got done college that is when i started thinking more aboout my future and where i want to live.

A couple days after i graduated from college i was looking all over the map on the internet and asking people in ohio what are some places to live, when a elderly couple said " sweetheart 5000 miles form here is a small town called Charming we go up there every year to visit our grandchilden and kids.

they say its a really nice place to live and start a new life" so after talking to the elderly couple about charming i decided to research Charming and find out more about the small town.

when i got enough information about Charming i then decided to go talk to my parents about leaving Ohio behide and start living a new life for myself.

At first they didn't like the idea of me moving 5000 miles away from them and start my own life on my own with no parents.

A couple of months later after finishing what i  was doing  for the club with the guns and with the runs with my brothers i decided to pack my stuff and  move away from Ohio and my father's  club.

I looked for a really nice house in Charming it was a few blockes away form the junk yard  and the repair shop for cars so i decided to buy the house.

On July 12, 2014 i decided to leave Ohio for good i got  all of my things packed and ready to head  up to my new house i hired a moving truck to move my things for me and follow me to Charming with all of my stuff including my truck.

which was my dream car other then my bike i rode my bike to charming insend of driving my truck down, the mover guy offered to drive my truck behide me and the other mover guy drove the mover truck behide him.

I have been on the road for nearly four days riding my bike and when i got to the welcome to charming sign i put my breaks on and stoped on the side of the road and stared at the sign for nearly half hour.

  finally i started up my bike and sat there for a little bit longer thinking if i was really ready to live my life on my own at 23 i seen a bunch of guys riding their harleys past me driving really fast. i then decided to  drove past the welcome sign.

i was finally in Charming and about the start my new life by myself i was gonna miss my life  back in Ohio miss going on runs with my brothers and father and miss hanging with the club but i was growing up and i needed to start my own adventure. this was the time to start new in a small town called Charming

When i got to my  house the one guy driving my truck pulled into my driveway and the other guy with the  moving truck pulled into my driveway right next to my truck.

they offered to help me unload the truck and help put everything to where i wanted it to be.

after unloading the truck i simply said "thank you to the movers for helping me"  i then payed them what i owned them and they drove back to Ohio after a really long 4 days my body was very tired and it kept telling me a needed sleep but i was going to sleep until i get things done first then i will go to sleep i my queen size bed that they bulit and put in my bedroom.

i stated unpacking some of the boxes eventually i decided to my queen size bed together since it was 9:30 pm and i had a long day ahead of me in the morninng but first before i got to bed i needed to go shopping for thing for my house even though its been a long day .

i was tired i needed to go get food so i can eat and some other supplies for the house so i grabed my keys and walked out the front door i locked it and hoped into my 2013 dodge ram truck my parents decided to buy me a truck so i can drive it if i didnt want to ride my bike.

i was really tired and i needed some sleep but i also needes to get my shopping done too so i pulled up at a store and hoped out of my truck and went in side of the store  i grabed what i needed and what i didnt need and put it in the cart and payed for my things by the time i got put out of the store into my truck and home to put everything away it is 11:30

i hoped in the shower 15 mins later put some pajama's on and went to sleep but around 2:00 in the morning i heard i weird noise coming outside my house i grabbed my gun from off the dresser and walked to the front door i seen a man taking a part from my truck.

i started shooting at him and got the man right in his shoulder i was so pround at that moment but then i was " i just shot a fucking man this is bad really bad" but whatever i went back inside and said to myself "summer it is going to be okay it was only the shoulder"

i went back to bed and fell asleep right away i was dreaming about what the man took from my truck and why he took it in the frist place and how did he know i lived here. all the thoughts ran through my head and i couldnt stop thinking about why that man was at my house in the frist place and why the hell did he fuck up my truck.

i may be a girl but i know how to track down a person without no ones help. i woke up went straight to the next room and i tracked the bastered down without thinking twice about it.

i knew the man who did it too he was part of my dads club until he tried to attack me and then my dad and all of the members voted to kick him out of the club.

micheal was not about to try to attack me twice in less then a year this was some bullshit my past haunting me for leaving Ohio. well this is not going to happen twice not in my new im trying to build for myself and not in my new hometown where i live now

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