One short story

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Caitlin is a kind and a sweet she has parents that are always swamped traveling for work but at random times her parents will get a call from there boss saying hey in two days I have already booked the flight and the hotel for you but you have to go here for like five days . Then whichever parent got the call would say to the other one " hey I just got called to travel here for like five days ". Then that parent would start packing and it wasn't until the very next day when I got told, "bye have fun I to go here for work see you in five days". Then on the Fourth of July her parents decided that they would go camping up by the Great Smoky Mountains and enjoy the company of nature .So after the long two in a half hours to get up there it's dark outside and they are attempting to pitch a tent and about a half in hour later they got it all set up and went to bed for the night. The next day when the woke up they went on a hike to get logs for the fire for they could make breakfast . They ended up with bacon and oatmeal as there meal then they went swimming in a lake nearby for an hour and half and went back to there camping area and they played games such as tag and i spy then they made lunch which was grilled cheese then they made trail mix and water bottles then went off on a hiking trail and along the way to the top the found a waterfall and they went under the falling water to fell the mist of the water falling and kept climbing up to the top it was a beautiful view . Then they stayed up there admiring the view and taking pictures . Then they started the hike back down the mountain man it felt a lot stepper on the way down than it did coming up. We got back to our camping area and then made a fire and made mash potatoes and hot dogs for our last night up there camping. So the next morning they woke up and Caitlin got up early so she went up to the waterfall by herself and she got lost and she had no phone and when her parents woke up they were scared and they started to look and around and calling Caitlin but no luck so they ended up driving about half way home where they knew they could call for help and report their missing daughter . So eventually they went back up to the Great Smoky mountains and took the trail and found their daughter's shoe and they were scared and they went back to they camp site. After two days she was found behind the waterfall the only place where her parents didn't look for her . She was taken home and her parents reported her daughter found .

Sorry guys for the wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2018 ⏰

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