The Hero's Society

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Night had descended onto New York City and rain poured in fat droplets, it would've been a wonderful night to stay in with Sanya however the circumstances made it anything but. I took a deep breath and heaved myself up as I surveyed what remained of the city. Tall flames licked the sides of every building, the Empire State dangerously leaning to one side with the interior engulfed in flames. I looked for any SuperHero with water powers near me but abruptly stopped when I realized all of them are dead. This entire city is a graveyard for heros and the odd civilian that did not join the evacuation. Ignoring that thought I shake off the pain and head towards whatever remains of Time Square.

I spot Pyrrha first putting out the flame in her palms, her tight black bun falling apart. I've never seen her in such a distressed state she is always so immaculate and logical but now I notice her eyes show desperation as she looks around unsure of what to do next. Scorch marks as black as coal cover her hands bleeding into her brown arms a sign of her hands being burnt and healed over and over again. She must be in immense pain.

Near her sits Gadget, his back turned to me, in his makeshift armor that is missing more than a few pieces, his head hung low and his body erupting in small tremors. I glance at the androgynous figure standing before him our eyes meet and I can see tears glistening in Morph's eyes as they widen. "Electrus you're alive", Morph exclaims making Pyrrha and Gadget turn their heads. Pyrrha lets out a sob I turn to her but I can feel Gadget's eyes piercing into me.

"Where the hell have you been Electrus", Gadget shouts " everyone is dead, the original heros, our friends, the heroes in training. They're all gone! Xiu is...Xiu-" He stops unable to contain his tears.

I glance at the white tarp in front of Gadget that is covering a body, a small and nimble body. Wraith. I rush over and lift the covering and stare into the lifeless eyes of Xiu Tao. "How is this possible she was -", she was best fighter, the fastest runner, the quickest puzzle solver, the top student, the greatest friend. I want to say it all but the only thing that comes out of my mouth is "she was the infamous Wraith".

"Don't call her Wraith. She is much more than the title she was given, but you never understood that. The title was all you cared about, the Hero's Society was all you cared about. Look at where we are now thanks to the high and mighty original heroes. Xiu is dead, just like every other hero that lost their life fighting in a battle that was never started by them. We've lost Electrus it's over." Gadget's words rang in my ears and I saw fury blazing in his eyes. Morph was nodding and Sanya looked at me with guilt. They agreed with Gadget.

I understood why my team looked defeated. We just lost the most important member and every other powerful hero. We were the only heroes left and we had to fight Silhouette. I gathered my thoughts and stood up looking Gadget in the eye. I addressed my team " We're left. We are all that is left between that shadow monster and another Century of Chaos. We took an oath when we joined the Hero's Society that we would do anything in our power to keep the world free, and right now there is someone out there that wants to take away our freedom, eradicate any hint of superpowers from this world. I'd rather die than let the world plunge back into the days when abnormal was something hated and punished."

Gadget's eyes narrowed his voice had a cold bite I had never heard before. "I will fight, but not for you or that forsaken Hero's Society. I will fight for Xiu, for Quinn and Sanya. I will watch their backs because any heroic mission with you is a suicide mission for us." I was no longer staring at my best friend of 11 years. I was no longer talking to the easy going Andre that loved any adventure big or small. I was with the mature and ruthless Gadget.

An explosion went of in Central Park black tendrils of shadows mixed with smoke from the fire. Silhouette was giving away his position, he was beckoning for a challenge. As we made our way to the park Gadget repaired his suit and began fashioning guns and ammunition from any surrounding items. I'd been jealous of his matter bending powers as a child.

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