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Can I just say how everything hurts? No not emotionally. Not yet at least. No I'm talking about physically.

Quick recap: I got some of the Animator Squad - Jaiden, James, and Adam - to film a trivia episode. The thing was, though, I got an airsoft gun to shoot at the people who got the answers wrong. Since Jaiden was the only girl, we decided that she would do it; had to be gentlemen here. And I told her to not hold back anything.

I wish I said otherwise.

She shot us like there was no tomorrow, and she seemed to be having fun doing it. Heck, she even broke the skin on my arm! Was there always that little dark side of her? Meh, who knows.

After filming, Jaiden drops the gun and goes up to us, individually, gives us a hug and repeatedly says, "I'm sorry. So sorry! I feel awful. I'll never do it again."

To which I respond, "I swear, I'll never do things like this again."

"Yeah you better", Adam pipes in.

"I don't know about you but I think I've seriously had enough pain and torture for one night." Jaiden frowns as he says this. She goes to him and hugs him again. A little too hard. "OW! Careful. They're still raw." Jaiden quickly lets go and cringes, "...sorry."

"You good to drive home?"

"Yeah I'll be fine...ugh. Gonna be a hard night to get through. Wish me luck!" Adam waves and he walks out the door to his car.

"I'll see you later!"

Jaiden turns back to us and yawns. "I guess that's my cue to go too. So...." she backs away and does finger guns, "...I'll catch you losers later." She turns around and walks away. Me and James, who surprisingly hasn't left yet, snicker when we hear her say, "Oh God, why did I do that?"

After walking her out and locking the door, I go back to James who is now looking in the mirror; he took his shirt off to check his "battle wounds" on his back. I make sure that I'm not making it obvious that I'm checking him out in that way, and instead that I'm checking his injuries.

"Ouch. Pretty bad huh?"

"Yeah. Stings too."

"I got a first aid kit. Need some help cleaning that up?"

"Sure. Thanks."

"No problem."

I fetch the first aid kit I keep in my room and head back to help this good-looking guy....man I'm in too deep.

"Got it. Sit down and I'll get started."


After he gets himself situated on the couch, I take a seat right behind him. Taking the wipes out, I wince and warn him, "Get ready for the sting."

"Don't worry man. I'm tough. If I can take those bullets, I can take a little sting."

"I wouldn't be too cocky if I were you."

Sure enough, as I wipe one of the cuts, "AH MOTHER OF- OW!"

"See. Told ya."

"Yeah yeah whatever..."

I chuckle as I clean the rest of the little bumps and cuts he has.

"She sure didn't hold back. Still don't know who came up with this."

He turns around in confusion and disbelief, "Uh...you did Tim."

I blush and go cold, "Oh yeah. Oops."

Bulletproof, not Airsoft-proof (TimTom x theodd1sout oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now