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I was running a little late for my date tonight with Trevor so I did a quick jog to the front door of the restaurant. I wore an emerald green dress with gold strapped heels (see photo).

I took a deep breath and tried to calm my breathing as I walked slowly to the table where he waited for me

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I took a deep breath and tried to calm my breathing as I walked slowly to the table where he waited for me.

"Hi, Trevor right?" I politely asked.
"Uh, yeah. Y/n? Wow, you look amazing." He replied a bit shocked. I chuckled lightly. He came to my side and pulled the seat out for me.
"Thank you. You're pretty handsome yourself."
I replied as I took my seat. He came back around the table and sat on his side again. He wore a dark green and black tartan suit with a white button up underneath (see photo).

 He wore a dark green and black tartan suit with a white button up underneath (see photo)

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"And were even matching. This feels right with you." He said. I smiled shyly.
"Damn you're beautiful. Anita is a good friend man! She said you'd be great but man was that an understatement." He gushed as I put my head in my hands laughing.
"I'm sorry!" He laughed. "I'm a very honest  kind of person."
"No it's okay, that's definitely a good trait.
And thank you. Anita said you were quite the catch and she wasn't wrong." I said, pushing a curl out of my face. I wore my hair out, a big curly do that framed my face a little more than I had liked.
"Quite the compliment." He smiled.
"Quite the charmer." I smiled back.

"Good evening to the lovely couple. You both look amazing." The waitress came up to take our orders.
"I'm Sarah, I'll be your waitress. Here's some menus, can I start you off with drinks?"

Trevor looked at me with a small smile. His beard was really sexy.

"Um yes. Can I get a lemonade?"
Sarah nodded and looked over to Trevor. He was still looking intently at me.
"A water, thank you." He glanced over to the waitress and smiled.
"Alright, I'll be right back with those drinks."
Sarah fetched our drinks as Trevor began to question me.
"So what do you do?" He inquired.
"I am actually still in college." His eyebrows raised.
"Degree in English with a concentration in creative writing." I smiled proudly.
"A writer. That's interesting. What specifically do you write?" The waitress came back and put our drinks down in front of us.
"Have you had a chance to look at the menus?" Sarah said as she smiled brightly at us.
"No I'm sorry, five more minutes." Trevor answered. Sarah smiled and walked away. He looked on at me to continue.
"I write a lot of poetry. I tried some short stories and I'm thinking of working on a book." I shifted a bit in my seat and took a sip of my lemonade.
"I'd love to hear your work sometime." He smiled up at me. I picked up my menu to mostly hide my face. He followed suit with his menu.
"I don't share it too often. Im not much of a public speaker." I paused nervously.
"My aunt always said if you're gonna be a writer you need to be able to read what you wrote." I said.
"Well that's not true. I mean you need to be able to read," I laughed at him. "But I'm sure you don't have to read your work aloud unless you want to." He said as he looked over the menu for a moment.
"Although you do have a beautiful voice." He glanced over at me with a wink.
He is smooth and I'm loving it, I thought to myself.
The night carried on like that with his cute quips and many compliments but once dessert rolled around he asked,
"How about a nightcap?"


He parked at the corner of a block and walked with me to his doorstep. He held a hand firmly and just slightly above my waist.
"No funny business Jackson." I said. He chuckled.

"No funny business. Just be apart of my life, the night, the ambience." He said as he opened his front door.
Trevor was an interesting person for a first date. We spent a few hours just talking, everything was all about energies and auras with him and he kept saying,
"This feels right with you."
We were on the couch as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and looked at me intently.
"You trying to make a move or something?" I questioned with an attitude.
He scoffed.
"No babe. I'm just taking you in. You know," his hand lightly grazed my cheek,
"You're beautiful."
"Thank you." I said shyly.
"I'm sorry. We can do something! Play a game, watch a movie, go for a walk."
"I'm okay with a movie."
He smiled.
"Okay." He loudly clapped his hands together.
"I got some good shit here for you!" He grabbed the remote and began searching through some catalogs.
"Scary movie, romantic comedy?" He trailed off.
"Uh, scary movie." I said lowly.
"I knew I liked you." He winked at me, laughing to himself.

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