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In the year 2841, Dara and her lover lived in their apartment.As you look out of the window of their apartment you could see a vibrant city teeming with life.But there was something unordinary about it , the moon was to large for the planet to be Earth and there were spaceship flying around everywhere.As his lover laid down half naked on a bed and rested ,there was this glasses that he wore on that glowed and many wire were connected to it which allowed him to enter into virtual world and play.Then he crunch his fist as he washaving thrill as it ran through his vains.Next Dara and him laid on the couch as they snuggled together while watching television in their living room.He wore a singlet which showed some tattoos on his neck ans shoulders, he seemed to have not saved for a while as little traces of moustache was found growing on his chin.Dara wore a large over sized grey sweather with pair of white high cut kicks as she placed her hand on his forehead.While watching the television her lover was alerted by one of the commericals as he slowly lifted his head ,Dara then looked into his eyes as it sparkled and glowed.It was a virtual paradise commerical, it was a new game feature.Dara was sad as her lover only cared about the new technology and not about her anymore like how we now adays use our smartphones daily and neglect the people around us.She sat there sad and lonely in her dinning room the walls were painted white so as most of the furniture which gave a very dull and gloomy atmosphere.Her lover slouched in his chair as they sit opposite of one another having a meal together.Her lover was crushing what seem to be like pills as Dara just sat there and watch him.He faced was filled with unhappiness and rage as he crushed those pills like he wanted to kill somebody.Dara lifted her head up and stared at him,he just gave her a very unhappy and gloomy look in the eye and continued on with what he was doing.After the meal,her lover walked away from the dinning table while Dara just sat there as she froze for a moment or two.Dara cleaned up afterwards but she took out one of the spoon and just stared at it.It wasn't any ordinary spoon to her it was the one her lover use to crush those pills as face of misery was written all over her face.Her lover out of sudden started to shave his head although his hair was already quite short,he shave it all off like he had changed.He wasn't that person Dara first fell in love anymore.As tears of sorrow swelled up her eyes and blurred her vision as she stared at the spoon.The next thing tears of sorrow started rolling down her cheecks uncontrollably and dripped off her chin.


Later Dara left her lover but soon she found herself working underground with Bom and Minzy and Cl as their leader.They worked underground experimenting with chemicals trying to make bombs and weapons.Although Dara was new she fitted quite well with the 2ne1 gang ,during that time all she could think about was getting revenge on her lover who betrayed her for some silly virtual paradise game that broke her heart into a million pieces.With her gang she started playing virtual paradise, trying to get used it as they were planning some big plans ahead of them.Dara remember going back to visit her lover with special intentions for revenge as she sat beside his bed.She watch him just lay there all day and be in virtual paradise.She sat and the couch lifeless as she watched the television which just contionously played the commercial for virtual paradise played on and on.As she sat there staring into space ,she let her memories take her back to the past when her & lover would spent every minute and second together cuddling together on the bed enjoying life together, those were the good times.She then walked into his room and stood there staring straight at him while recalling those memories that was filled with joy and happiness.Then she came back to reality as she slowly lifted  her arms targeting at the electrical piece which was connected to his glasses that linked him into the virtual paradise.Without any hesitation she plucked him out now he was now dead because once you are plucked out of the games you do revive and stuck there for eternity.She has finally found her revenge but she wasn't happy yet.


While dara was busy seeking revenge from her lover.The 3 others were destined to stop Virtual Paradise once and all from ruining people, for months and months they had been planning for this.Finally this was the chance they got to invade into Virtual Paradise.So the 3 of them strap themselves in and enterd Virtual Paradise.Minzy drove a futuristic car which carried the explosive from their headquaters to the red zone.She stayed calm like the water that dripped down a leaking tap.Cl walked down an empty underpath or tunnel as she lifted her head up high and look around her surrounding trying to be cautious of what is to come as she approached the red zone slowly.Bom was was performing at the red zone trying to distract the netizen in the building with her lovely voice as she sang on stage.For there was piles and piles of food that are out of this world to great her audiences with the contrasting of white everywhere on the walls,table and floor and that only Bom and the food were the main.For nothing in the surrounding hinted of what was about to happen.Let's just a splash of colour was about to hit them.Dara was then backed after seeking revenge as she alone straped herself into virtual world and awoke.Cl was already in the bulding as she held a can of red paint and started spraying over the netizen clothing as she walked in ,while they seated quietly viewing Bom's performance.Then Minzy walked in with a trolley of explosive or flaming red hot alcohol as she pushed it in slowly through the aisle trying not to alert any of the netizen.Then she gave serious and focus stared like she was signaling to someone or something that it was time.It was time, dara had finally arrived at the red zone as seated patiently waiting for the signal as minzy walked passed her holding a bottle of flaming explosive in her hand.Minzy walk towards the end of the aisle and took the plate of one of the netizen and lifted it up in the air throwing his food to the floor.As the food which consist of some grapes and pearl like object that was out this world was thrown into the air the moment seemed to paused marking as something bad was about to happen in the next few moments.Cl swinged her arm back which held in her hand a flaming explosive as she forcefully tossed it to the ground.Right before she was about to do so something else in the concer was happen Minzy pushed the trolley of flaming explosive in the middle where the netizen were neatley seated in rows which exploded which engulfed everyonw with 15 min radius of it.Afterwards there was just blood and gore everywhere what seemed like thousands died in there.They walked out calmly as Dara held a bat in her hand and even after all those hardship they did not even break a sweat because this was just part and parcel of life to them as the building burned down in flames.The people of Virtual Paradise were shakened.


But the 2ne1 gang was not satisfied just yet whats better to end the bombing with a red carpet.Well, at least the walking is true.The 2ne1 gang then proceeded to walk through the sewers of virtual paradise.But there was no need for sewers in virtual paradise because it was just a game so this would just be cool hang out place for the 2ne1 gang and some others habbos who romes around the game for internity.As the 2ne1 gang carried axes and weapons in their hand they walked through the sewers and Cl held a red flare in her hand letting up the place once overwhelmed with darkness.Little did they know people or netizen of virtual paradise were following behind them in the lead of Cl.For they too feel that virtual paradise was not the solution to the people's problems and some justice needed to be done.Slowly, one by one more people and netizens joined in on the action.They were now not alone and they were becoming stronger, nothing could stop them now till.They wouldn't stop until one day, that day when justice has truly been served and that virtual paradise was just another thing in the history books of man kind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2014 ⏰

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