Prologue and Summery

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Tetsuya's is a prince from the magical Kingdom of Miracles. One day he realized that his brothers are corrupted and must be stop. He joins the rebel group, Serin, and a stubborn tiger to stop his brothers from falling more into corruption. Will Tetsuya succeed or will his brothers bring him back to corruption?

Etsuko: Hello everyone and welcome! My name is Etsuko and these two people are the voices in my head, Emiko and Youta.
Emiko: Hello!
Youta: Hey.
Etsuko: Now this is my new story, Ready As I'll Ever Be, and if it sounds familiar to some of you it's because it's a title of a song.
Emiko: So Etsuko was babysitting some of her younger cousins and they were watching some TV. And they were watching Tangled: The Series. You know Tangled right? The one with Rapunzel. Long gold hair. She sings and it glows.
Youta: We have no clue what episode it's on but one of the songs they sing is called "Ready As I'll Ever Be" sung by a few of the characters on the show.
Etsuko: And while I was listening to it, I came to like the song. Then an idea came to my head. What if I made a story where Akashi was a tyrant king and the miracles were tyrant princes'? And Kuroko had to save them. What if it had magic too? What if it had music!
Youta: She went overboard is what she's trying to say.
Etsuko: Basically. BUT! I think I like how I did it.
Emiko: Basically each chapter will have at least one song in it. And if you're thinking it's all Disney songs then you're wrong.
Etsuko: I have a story like that actually and let me tell you. If you thought making a story with pure Disney songs would be easy, you're wrong.
Youta: So we decided to use all types of songs, not just Disney.
Emiko: We will put the name of the song and artist too so you guys can look it up if you want.
Etsuko: And yes, Ready As I'll Ever Be will appear at one point in the story but not for a while.
Youta: Feel free to suggest music too. Also check out Etsuko's other stories too.
Etsuko: Okay too long of an author note. So please favorite, follow, and review/comment. I hope you enjoy the story! Ciao Ciao!

Seijuro- 10(past), 22(present), (powers) mind control, manipulation, and illusion
Shintaro- 9(past), 21(present), (powers) manipulation of time, teleportation, and healing
Atsushi- 8(past), 20(present), (powers) creation, can manipulate plants, and demonic powers
Kise- 7(past), 19(present), (powers) copy, can undecay things, and super learning
Shogo- 7(past), 19(present), (powers) steal and can decay things and super learning
Daiki- 6(past), 18(present), (powers) shapeshifting and elemental power and super strength
Tetsuya- 5(past), 17(present), (powers) invisibility, summon spirits, and control shadows

Song: Brother by Kodaline

"This is speaking."
'This is thinking.'
This is singing.

I do not own Kuroko no Basket or it's characters. I do not own Tangled: The Series or it's music, the music just gave me inspiration. I don't own any of the music that I put in the story. I do own this story though and any characters that I say that are mine.


In the kingdom of Miracles, everyone has powers. From fire to holy powers, everyone in the kingdom gets their powers by the age of eighteen. When someone is born their parents get to see what powers their child will get and how many. The normal amount of powers to be born with are one or two. But to have three or more, is a blessing. The seven royal children were blessed to be born with three powers each. Especially when their parents were only born with one power. The king of Miracles has the power of manipulation while his queen has the power of creation. The king has red hair with multicolored eyes. He is tall and has peach skin. The queen has multicolored hair with baby blue eyes. She is short and has dark skin. Together they rule the kingdom with kindness.
In their castle, their seven little boys played around in the garden. Their oldest boy has red hair and red eyes with peach skin. His name is Seijuro and he is ten years old. He is the future king of the kingdom and looks out for his little brothers. He has the power of mind control, illusion, manipulation like his father. The second oldest boy has green hair and green eyes as well as green glasses with peach skin. His name is Shintaro and he is nine years old. He likes to learn about medicine and his power is manipulation of time, healing, and teleportation. Their third oldest son has purple hair and purple eyes with a slight tan. His name is Atsushi and he is eight years old. He likes to make food and he has the power of demons, can manipulate plants, and had the power of creation like his mother. Their fourth and fifth sons are twins. The older twin has yellow hair and yellow eyes while the younger twin has grey hair and grey eyes while both having peach skin. The older twin is named Ryota and the younger twin is named Shogo and they're both seven years old. Ryota has the power of copying powers, undecaying things, and super learning while Shogo has the power to steal powers and make it his own, decaying things, and super learning as well. Their sixth son has dark blue hair and dark blue eyes with tan skin. His name is Daiki and he is six years old. He loves to play games and his powers are shapeshifting, elemental powers and super strength. Their last son has baby blue hair and baby blue eyes with pale skin. His name is Tetsuya and he is five years old. He loves to play with his siblings and has the powers of invisibility, control shadows, and is able to summon spirits.
The boys played as Tetsuya chased his brothers.
"No fair! You guys are bigger!" Tetsuya stopped running and pouted.
Seijuro chuckled as they stopped running. "Aww come here Tetsuya. I'll be it." He opened his arms.
Tetsuya smiled and went to touch him when Seijuro moved away. Tetsuya pouted again. "Hey!"
Seijuro chuckled. "Okay okay here." He went up to him. Tetsuya smiled and hugged him. Seijuro picked him up. "Now who should we chase?"
"Umm Ryo!" Tetsuya giggled.
"Eh why me?! Tetsuyachii why don't you come hug me and we'll run and hide?" Ryota smiled.
"Sei catch him!" Tetsuya giggled.
Seijuro chuckled and looked at Ryota. "Come to me." His eyes glowed a bit as Ryota's eyes went blank and he went to Seijuro. Seijuro touched him. "You're it now." He let him go.
Ryota blinked before he pouted. "That's so not fair! You can't use your powers!"
"And why not?" Seijuro asked.
"Because you can just control us." Ryota said.
"Yeah. You're power is too strong." Shogo said.
"You two are just mad because you can't copy or steal my powers." Seijuro smirked.
"Show off." Daiki said as he stuck out his tongue.
Seijuro chuckled and poked his tongue. "You'll all learn how to use your powers for the better."
"And we'll be powerful like you?" Atsushi asked.
"No one can be powerful like Seijuro." Shintaro said.
"Maybe not as powerful but close." Seijuro smiled.
"I don't get it." Tetsuya said. "I won't be powerful. I'm a ghost and I can only make small spirits and I can't even control shadows yet!"
"You'll be powerful Tetsu." Daiki smiled. "We're family. We are one in the same."
"Daiki's right." Seijuro smiled.
Tetsuya smiled as he held them.
His brothers smiled before they heard a crash.
Everyone looked as Seijuro put them behind him. "Stay here. Shintaro don't let them go."
Shintaro nodded as he held Tetsuya.

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