: explanation

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first off, do you see the number on the cassette tape?

taehyung pauses, taking the pastel pink cassette and flipping it to where it says the numbers. he then sets it down his mahogany desk next to his ash tray, grabbing a pen and ripping out a small piece of paper. he writes down the numbers on the semi-stained paper.

he then places the tape back into the player, pressing "PLAY".

that's the number of my aunt who is taking care of chinhae once my husband left us for broke. call her and tell her who you are.

i'm going to warn you right now, if you don't take good care of him i will never forgive you. he's already had it rough, so please for the love of god take care of him taehyung, he needs the father he didn't have.

secondly, you're probably wondering why i can't take care of him, correct? taehyung nods as if she can see him through the scratched up and fingerprint filled cover.

well...if you've received the box it means i have died. he pauses the tape, his eyes watering and finger shaking with despair.

she died? he thinks to himself, his need of holding her, kissing her, loving her completely shattered in that one sentence.

he takes a shaky breath, playing the tape again. i'm really sorry i did, but don't be in despair! i wouldn't want you crying over someone like me.

do i know how i will die? no. i don't know if the xans and the alcohol will get to me, or another soul taking my own...i will never know till it happens, right?

anyways, lastly, min yoongi... i was never as interested in him as i was with you. if something like this would've happened with him i would've been hella angry. she laughs bitterly.

i'm glad i met you, taehyung...even if it was a short time i'm still glad with what we shared.

this is kim sojourn, the girl that was brought into this cruel world accidentally and left it with memories that she will never relive.

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