- Prologue -

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"WHERE WOULD WE EVEN BEGIN," Sam asked, shaking his head softly as he scoffed in disbelief — he'd finally gotten out of the "hunting" life, only to be pulled back in thanks to the sudden disappearance of his father, John Winchester. "He left no note, he's not answering the phone -"

"We're hunters, Sammy," Dean cocked an eyebrow. "We're gonna do what hunters do."

Sam gave him another, more intense, look of disbelief. He had an important interview Monday morning, and he couldn't just leave Jessica in the middle of the night with no clue as to where he was going or why. He had too many responsibilities here, he couldn't just drop it all and leave.

"Plus," Dean said. "You remember David Baxter?"

"Dad's best friend?"

"Yup. I meeting with him — his daughter, too: Layla Baxter."

Sam grinned, remembering the girl that used to look to him whenever she needed protection as a kid.  "No way. She's hunting now?"

"From what I hear," Dean grinned. "And I've also been hearing that she's an 'A Plus' hunter — badass."

For it was true. Layla Baxter was still young — only twenty-one, but after spending years on the road with her brother and father, she'd grown to be one of the best hunters around. She'd been widely known to be an amazing fighter — quick, swift and never left a single trace of her being there. But it was also a common rumor that she was extremely smart, that she knew things that God himself had yet to discover.

"That's crazy," Sam said, thinking back to the days where him, Dean and Layla would be stuck sharing the same hotel rooms for days on end whilst there fathers scattered the states together, hunting.

Sam couldn't help but remember those times so vividly — although Layla had been a few years younger than him, they shared feelings for each other so strongly that even Jess couldn't overpower it. For Layla had been his first kiss, the first girl he'd ever held in his arms; and he couldn't help but remember how beautiful she was, too.

He remembered her chocolate brown hair that pulled together and soft curls falling down her back and reaching her bottom, matching her tanned complexion perfectly. He'd remembered how blue her eyes were and how much bluer they looked when the light got them directly, and how long and dark her eyelashes had been — defining her eyes and how plump and perfect her lips were. At the time, her face had been rounded due to her youth, but she'd still been stunning.

"Yeah," Dean smirked, eyeing Sam's thoughtful look on his face. He could tell by that look that Sam had been thinking of her — how could he not? It made him feel guilty, thinking of Layla so intensely while being with Jess. "Thinking of her, eh?"

"No." Sam denied, lying through his teeth. But Dean knew. "Look, I have an important interview Monday morning and I can't -"

"You'll be back by then," Dean groaned. "Come on, man. Dad's missing. Plus, I know you're wondering how the Baxter's are doing. This is your chance to see them."

Sam grit his teeth together thoughtfully — If he saw Layla even once, would he be strong enough to say no to her for Jess? For the most part, he'd like to think he could.

He hoped that he could.

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