Chapter 2: Evil Saiyan vs Devil-Saiyan Hybrid

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Arsenal awoke to people staring down at him, they backed away and he jumped from the couch to the door. 


Rias: Calm down. Your in the ORC. The person with you told us he was going to the mountains. 

Arsenal: That's were I'm going! 

He burst out of the window in a blazing white aura and shit towards Goku and Cumber. 

Akeno: We are following him right. 

Rias: Yes, I must make sure my new piece is safe. 

They got in a transportation circle and teleported away. Arsenal arrived to see Vegito Blue Kaioken Fighting Cumber. He went down and joined in. 

Arsenal: Hey I'm back! 

Vegito: Good now go Blue and help! 

Arsenal: Right! 

He went Super Saiyan Blue and charged Cumber. It's been about 2 years since the Tournament of Power and Arsenal awakening his blue form. Goku taught him how to add the Kaioken ontop of it but only as a last resort. Arsenal charged Cumber with Vegito. Arsenal through a punch but it was blocked and Vegito sent a kick to Cumbers jaw and knocked him sky high. Arsenal started charging up a Kamehameha but Cumber teleported infront if him and knocked him down. 

Arsenal: AGH! 

Rias and Akeno: NO ARSENAL!

Arsenal: Guys get back! I don't want you to get hurt!

As he said this Cumber shot a massive blast at them, Arsenal rushed towards them but it was to late, they got hit and knocked on the ground, barely alive. 


Arsenal yelled and charged up, everyone stopped to see what was happening, Arsenal's hair started flashing a purrer blue, deeper, darker, more... Royal. A blinding dark blue light filled the area as all the other ORC members arrived with Issei going into his Balance Breaker. The light died down to see Arsenal with a new form, Super Saiyan Royal Blue. The aura was deeper, more pure, more godly. Goku and Vegito defused due to the potato breaking from the pressure Arsenal gave off. They stared in shock, how did he get so strong so fast? Goku simsed Arsenal wasn't full blooded Saiyan anymore, he was half devil now. 

Arsenal: The real fight starts now! Cumber!

Arsenal charged Cumber with Ki infused punches, each one hitting Cumber in vital points. Cumber started to fight back, each hit they grew in power, stronger and stronger. Cumber slowly started to take the advantage but Arsenal not far behind. Arsenal fires a barrage of Ki blast which got Cumber off gaurd and Arsenal teleported behind him and kicked him towards the ground.

Arsenal: YOUR FINISHED!!! FINAL KA... ME... HA... ME... HAAAA!!!!

A blue and yellow beam blast from Arsenal's hands shot towards Cumber and consumed him in the blast. Erasing Cumber from existince. 

Arsenal powered down and fell to the ground tired.

Arsenal: It's over... its.. finally over.

Rias and Akeno woke up to see the blast and rushed to Arsenal's side. Rias put his head in her lap while Issei broke down crying. 

Rias (crying): Arsenal, you did it! You saved us! Thank You!

Arsenal: No problem... I just need a senzu. GOKU! Through me a Senzu!

Goku: Sure Catch. 

He threw the bean at Rias and she fed it to Arsenal. His wounds and cuts healed and he shot up from Rias' lap. 

Arsenal: I FEEL MUCH BETTER! Thanks guys!

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