Chapter 1

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It was all my fault.

We had just arrived in Vermont. It seemed unusually warm and hazy outside, even though it was summer. I told Amelia this, who responded with, "Naomi, you are crazy. The car ride must be getting to your head." I shrugged, which made her giggle.

She lead me inside the ornate hotel, wheeling a small duffle bag behind her. "My family and I always used to come here for vacation," she said as we checked in and got our room key. Her family was a sore subject for her, so I never asked.

We arrived at room 208, set down our luggage, and popped Amelia's favorite movie, The Breakfast Club, into the aging DVD player. She always cried when we watched it.

We weren't even a quarter of the way through the movie when she kissed me. Her breath was warm and sweet as she climbed on top of me. I pulled her down onto me, grabbing at her back, taking fistfuls of her clothing, wanting more. Her lips pressed down on mine, and she softly bit my bottom lip. Her hands stroked my cheeks.

It took me a moment to get over my surprise. Amelia almost never initiated contact with me; I was always the one to kiss her or touch her. So it took me even more by surprise when she suddenly stopped and sat up. I tried to keep kissing her, tried to pull her back down on me, but she wouldn't budge. Her eyes grew wide, almost fearful.

"Amelia, what's wrong?" I asked quietly, still trying to preserve the mood.

"Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"That sound," she whispered. "That strange sound."

I hadn't heard anything. I was still in shock from her sudden advances. Amelia rolled off of the bed and crept towards the door. "Naomi, come here," she said, gesturing for me to come closer.

I gave in and walked over to the door. Amelia had her ear pressed up to the door, listening. "Don't you hear that?" she asked.

I pressed my ear up to the door, just as she was, and listened. I heard a thumping sound. "Sounds like our neighbors are having a great night," I joked.

Amelia frowned. "No, that's not it. It's almost like a really raspy moan."

I laughed. "You're shitting me right now, right? Did you not just hear the thumping? I mean-" Her glare cut me off.

"I'm gonna open the door, okay?" I said. "And you'll see it's nothing."

I grabbed the doorknob and twisted it. Amelia moved behind me. I pulled open the door.

"See, there's nothing," I said confidently. "You're freaking out for noth-"

Crash. I turned my head to see a room door opposite to us collapse; it was pushed completely off of its hinges. My eyes widened.

In front of me stood a silhouette of a man, except . . . something was wrong. He was moaning, almost like he was in pain. His skin was a milky white and seemed to be decomposing before my eyes. He smelled of decay, and his eyes were glazed over. I froze, paralyzed in my own fear.

The creature moaned and turned towards me. It started to limp towards me. I was too scared to move, too scared to do anything. It moved closer and closer . . . god, it stunk. It smelled so badly, my eyes started to water. That brought me back to my senses, but before I could do anything, I heard a scream, and Amelia threw a lamp at its head.

The creature stumbled back, dazed, and fell backwards, hitting its head on the doorframe of the next room over. Its head cracked open, and a red-ish goo spilled out.

I looked at Amelia, who was staring at me. "Naomi . . ." she said shakily, "What the hell was that?"

I stared at her. "You saved me."

She blinked. "What?"

"You saved me," I said, moving closer. "You saved me from that . . . that thing."

She blushed. "I mean-"

I kissed her, hard, on the lips. My hands pulled her closer, and I wrapped my arms around her, never wanting to let go again. I kissed her until I ran out of breath. When I pulled away, I whispered, "I love you, Amelia, I love-"

She jerked and pulled away. I watched, frozen, as the creature I thought was dead pulled Amelia back by her hair, her long, beautiful brown hair, and bit into her neck.


First Chapter down!!! This story makes me so excited you have no idea. Thanks for reading!! Please leave a comment! Feedback is always appreciated!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2014 ⏰

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