Chapter One- SpaceBoy

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It was a beautiful afternoon in Seoul, South Korea. The wind was blowing cool air through the bustling streets of the city as many people returned home from work, rushing to get home to their families. Laughter could be heard from the park down the street where children were giggling and running about. 

On the corner of the block, a soft breeze blew in through Park Jimin's open window, filling his apartment with refreshingly cool air and the smell of food wafting in from down the street. Light from the afternoon sun bathed the room in a golden glow as Jimin rolled over on his bed and sighed. He loves naps.

 He slowly opened his eyes, admiring his glow-in-the-dark stars and planets on the ceiling that reminded him of his one, true, undying love: Space. Everything in Jimin's life always came back to space. As a young boy, he spent hours each night stargazing and wishing for nothing more than to go up to space and touch the stars himself. As he got older, he became more passionate and his parents started buying him things like telescopes and books about space, earning him the nickname 'SpaceBoy' in school. 

Fast forward to now, where Jimin is majoring in Astronomy at the University of Seoul. But big Jimin's love of space is nothing compared to little Jimin. Documentaries, toys, outfits, stuffies, sippy cups, you name it. 

Waking up from his daydreaming about space, Jimin sat up in bed and let out the cutest yawn. He stretched his arms above his head, exposing a bit of his stomach under his favorite pastel sweater with an astronaut print on it. 

He was feeling refreshed from his nap and was ready to play. Jimin gasped as something in the corner of the room caught his attention. His favorite stuffy, Lila. "Oh no! She must be lonely!" Jimin pouted when he realized that he abandoned his dino during his nap time. Lila was one of his only little space items that wasn't space themed and Jimin only accepted her because his bestestest friend in the world, Jinnie, gave it to him for his birthday. He waddled over to where Lila was sitting and took her into his arms, rubbing her soft fur on his chubby cheek. Giggling, he kissed Lila's forehead and made his way out to the living room. He scooted himself up on the couch, making his way past binkies and plastic rocket toys. The tv was playing some boring news station so he searched for the remote, wanting nothing more than to watch cartoons. 

While he was checking the couch, he saw his phone light up on the coffee table with new messages.

Jinnie (the bestest hyungie in the whole world): Hey Jiminie! How are you?

Jimin's eye lit up in excitement when he saw the text from his best friend. He suddenly decided to call Jin because he knew his best friend would come over and help him since he was feeling little.

"Hey Jiminie, what's up?" Jin's soft voice rang throughout the apartment.

"J-Jiminie's feeling l-little hyung," Jimin said as he was climbing back onto the couch.

"Well thank you for calling me buddy, do you want hyung to come over?"

"Y-yes please!" Jimin shouted with excitement.

"Ok, Chim, I'll be over in a few minutes. Don't get into any trouble ok?" Jin teased.

"Ok hyungie," Jimin said. "I p-promise to on my bestest behavior! Bye bye!"

Jimin was grateful to have Jin as his best friend. Jin was in no means his caregiver but acted like a temporary one when Jimin needed him. Jin and Jimin have been friends since elementary school when Jimin was in 1st grade and Jin was in 5th. Jin protected Jimin from the annoying bullies and they instantly bonded. Jin first found out Jimin was a little in Jimin's last year of high school when Jin was finishing up in college. He was very accepting and started helping Jimin when he went into little space. Now, Jin is working on his acting career, and Jimin is working at a bakery while he was finishing up his final year of college.

15 minutes later, Jimin tore his eyes away from the tv that was playing Paw Patrol when he heard the front door open. "Jinnie!" he squealed. He hopped off the couch and ran into Jin's arms, hugging him tightly and attempting, but failing, to squish Jin's cheeks. "Hello to you too Chim," Jin said chuckling while trying to fend off Jimin's desperate attempts at kissing his entire face. He lifted Jimin into his arms and booped him on the nose. "Have you eaten dinner yet?" Jin questioned. Giving up on his kissing mission, Jimin shook his head and dramatically rubbed his tummy. "I'm so hungry I could die," he whined. Jin laughed at his over dramatization and carried him into the kitchen, setting him down on the counter.

"Now let's see what I can make for you," Jin says as he peers into the fridge.

"Hmm, I want nuggies and ice cream a-and chips and cake...ohh and lollipops and-" Jimin rambles on while playing with his toes.

"Chim Chim you are all out of food!" Jin exclaims, ignoring the younger boy's rambles about junk food.

"Now this can't do, we can't have the little boy going hungry now can we," he says in a childish voice while tickling his donsaeng's tummy.

"Hyung you're so silly," Jimin giggles out. "Can we go to the store? I will be good for hyung and I won't cry or whine!"

"Hmm," Jin hums as he contemplates taking Jimin to the store. Jimin doesn't go out into the public very often in little space because he can be very anxious. Jin decided that a trip to the store wouldn't hurt, as long as they could be quick.

"Ok, we can go-"

"Yay!" Jimin interrupted.

"-as long as you promise to be a good boy," Jin insisted.

"Of course! I'm always a good boy," Jimin responded while cupping his cheeks and smiling wide.

"I beg to differ," Jin thought to himself. "Ok... fine, we'll go."

"YAY!" Jimin screeched, hopping around the kitchen.

"Let's hope this goes well..."  Jin whispers to himself.


Ok so that may or may not be an unedited mess but let me know what you think? 

uwu bye

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2018 ⏰

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